Why A.I. Artificial Intelligence Can't Replace Humans ?

Why A.I. Artificial Intelligence Can't Replace Humans ?

Have you heard about a Hong Kong company?appointing a computer algorithm?to its board of directors? Do you think that AI will run big companies of the future,?saying nothing of seizing other positions?

Indeed, Artificial Intelligence is the term that has been exciting humans’ minds and imaginations during recent years. Some are fearfully claiming that AI will take jobs from people all around the world. Others are confident that machines will successfully work hand in hand with humans but not replace us.

A report from the?World Economiс Forum?tells that by 2025, 85 million jobs will be replaced by machines with AI. So, were the optimistic predictions wrong?

Not at all. There is nothing to worry about as the report also mentions that thanks to Artificial Intelligence, 97 million new jobs will open by the same year.

This article will provide a closer look at why humans and intelligent machines are not competing against each other.


  • What is Artificial Intelligence?
  • Examples of AI in everyday life
  • Short History of Artificial Intelligence
  • How AI is beneficial to humans
  • 5 reasons why AI won’t replace humans
  • Wrapping Up

What Is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the type of intelligence demonstrated by machines. It is the ability of a machine (computer) to imitate the processes of the human mind. Artificial Intelligence is opposed to the natural intelligence of humans. Multiple technologies are being developed to teach computer systems:

  • Planning
  • Comprehending
  • Learning from experience
  • Recognizing objects
  • Making decisions
  • Solving problems

By imitating these abilities, machines are able to perform such human-like actions as driving a vehicle or having a dialogue.

Examples of AI in Everyday Life

Although Artificial Intelligence still sounds like something from a sci-fi movie, AI has already started to be broadly utilized in our everyday life.?Think of these examples of AI that you have certainly heard about or even used for yourself:

  • Web search engine. Ever searched Google?
  • Recommendation systems. The one that offers you a show to Netflix and chill.
  • Understanding human speech. It’s Alexa, helping order a pizza for you.
  • Self-driving cars. Driving a Tesla without actually driving.

In other words, we are surrounded by Artificial Intelligence without paying attention to it. It is in our smartphones, voice assistants, social media, GPS navigators. And in these examples, you can see how AI is creating something new instead of taking something away.?

Short History of Artificial Intelligence

Since the Industrial Revolution people started outsourcing their repetitive hard-labor duties to the working machines. A few centuries later, these machines evolved to the point where they were able to perform not only physical but also complex cognitive tasks like solving math equations, writing, and speaking.

In the late 50s, Artificial Intelligence became an academic discipline. Experts were mostly working on simulating the human brain, modeling human logic, and imitating behavior.?

In the 21st century, the experimental field of AI became dominated by highly mathematical statistical machine learning. This method turned out to be successful throughout many industries, including the commercial?software?development industry as well.??

How AI Is Beneficial to Humans

The abilities of Artificial Intelligence can be highly beneficial to humans and support their jobs in many ways.

For example:?

  • AI has high imitating abilities. It means that AI can identify patterns to optimize and predict trends relevant to this or that area.?
  • AI is never tired and can keep working, processing useful data for you without breaks.
  • AI’s mathematical calculations are error-proof. It can perform in more accurate ways.
  • AI is perfectly suited to perform lower-level routine tasks that are repetitive and happen within a closed internal context.

Surely, AI can do a lot of tasks faster and better than humans.?AI helps people with repetitive, time-consuming jobs. Artificial intelligence performs different routine tasks with ease and almost all repetitive tasks can be automated.?We have an opportunity to free up more time and complete our work much faster. This allows humans to focus on creative elements of their job responsibilities. Besides, AI can work continuously and error-free. But what is AI not able to do?

These abilities are unique to humans:

  • Imagination
  • Intuition
  • Anticipation
  • Feeling
  • Judging with regard to context
  • Shifting between changing situations
  • Considering short-term and long-term goals

So, backed up by Artificial Intelligence, humans can relax more and make better use of our true superhero skills.?

Now, let’s move to the reasons why we shouldn’t really worry about AI taking over the world.

5 Reasons Why AI Won’t Replace Humans

The very question of whether Artificial Intelligence will ever replace humans assumes that humans and machines are interchangeable. But the truth is that we are not.

And here’s why:

1. AI-based machines don’t have emotional intellect.

Emotional Intellect is what we can be proud of. We can express feelings, show emotions, and read people immediately. Let’s take an example with customer service. Businesses can not replace all their customer service with AI. People want to have personal interactions as robots are not able to show empathy and feelings to customers. Thus, without personal interaction businesses can end up losing customers.?

Have you ever heard that soft skills, like communication and building relationships, are becoming?more important for jobs?nowadays than technical skills?

Artificial Intelligence systems are fast, rational, and accurate. They are not intuitive, empathetic, or culturally sensitive. And, it is exactly these abilities that humans possess, and which make us effective. Only a human can read a face and instantly know the right thing to say.

2. AI isn’t smart enough to do creative work.

With more AI in the world, humans get a chance to take on increasingly creative jobs. It is not only about the creative sector, even in finance or coding we need to be more creative to begin and fulfill great projects.?

Companies are realizing that the true potential of AI is to amplify their employees’ skills by replacing repetitive, error-prone, manual tasks with intelligent automated solutions. Employees can spend more time doing creative and higher-priority tasks.

3. People can build relationships, while AI will never be able to do it.

Many things are built on relationships. We have to deal and collaborate with different people. Moreover, while working in teams many of us show better results as individuals. Furthermore, according to many studies,??teams show better and more creative results.

Emotional commitment and bonds with the team members are the most important part of the employees’ engagement, showing how much we care about our work and our company. Relationships also help us find partners and clients, as humans tend to work with people they like. But this emotional side of our behavior is unattainable to machines.?

4. People can show empathy, while AI will never display it.

We can share our feelings: happiness, enjoyment, sadness, gratitude, hope, kindness, optimism…The list of all types of emotions that people experience is nearly endless. And we can hardly imagine AI showing all expressions and reading other people’s emotions better than a human can do.

A lot of jobs require establishing trust and a human-to-human connection in order to get people to relax, open up and share about themselves. AI-based machines are capable of imitating human speech, but they don’t have empathy and are missing that human touch.

5. AI can’t think outside the box and their code.

These days, AI can’t find creative ways of solving various emerging problems because their code does not allow it. Robots are programmed to work within their frame. It is possible that some day a machine will be able to think on its own, but in the real world, this will not be achieved soon.

Artificial Intelligence isn’t capable of analyzing context, thinking critically through complicated scenarios, developing complex strategies. Teams and organizations are constantly interacting with the external environment.

But AI can only process data that has been entered into its system. Unlike humans, it can’t take into consideration the influence from the outside.

Such work settings require the ability to work with sudden changes and distorted information exchange while being creative in distilling a vision and strategy. This ability is powered by human intuition that becomes a critical element in daily work, especially for c-level executives.

Wrapping Up

The world’s AI technology is still far from the human-like intelligence portrayed in popular science fiction.

Despite all the hype, most AI computers are designed to be very good at solving a specific problem in the context of a very particular data system. Human creativity, insight, and contextual awareness, on the other side, are key to making AI work. The reason for this is simple — humans will continue to deliver value that machines are not capable of.

We can sum up that AI’s abilities will complement us, rather than replicate us. That is why top-tier and forward-thinking organizations start using AI to enhance organizational agility, productivity, and experiences.

Overall, we can see the potential that more jobs will be created with further AI development. Someone has to create all those AI robots and all other possible types of algorithms. Moreover, people will have more opportunities to try new jobs that do not exist yet.?

Source - https://synder.com/blog/5-reasons-why-ai-wont-replace-humans/

Kamal Ahluwalia

furniture manufacturing is our forte

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