Why is this on the agenda AGAIN?

Why is this on the agenda AGAIN?

Why is this on the team meeting agenda AGAIN?

We've all been there... the meetings that never seem to progress because you are always revisiting what has already been discussed, perhaps people are not following up on their commitments/meeting tasks, or old issues keep popping up.

This happens a lot when the next steps of a meeting are not clearly summarized and recorded.

This article will provide some tips to increase productivity, complete commitments and keep meetings on track to #GetStuffDone.

Meeting overwhelm and fatigue can really add up over time.

Look at your calendar… How many meetings did you have last month? Did you need to be at ALL of them? Could any of those meetings have been handled just as effectively with a call or email?

Poorly led meetings can have a significant impact on team culture and attendee participation. We’ve all been there… the meeting that goes on forever or jumps all over the place, people interrupting each other, emotions flaring up. Discussions get quickly bogged down or go sideways with no one taking responsibility for finding a solution.

You scratch your head wondering, “Why am I even here?!”

Preparation is key! When you ensure there is clarity of purpose for the meeting(s), someone takes the time to create an agenda, ensure the right people are at the meeting, and meeting courtesies are developed, the meeting will run more smoothly and people are more likely to be accountable to their commitments.

Meeting courtesies help create a psychologically safe environments for people to participate, ask questions, and share ideas. Meeting courtesies also support everyone in the meeting when tough issues, disagreements or impasses occur.

Managing Time, Agenda and Dynamics help the meeting run effectively but also ensures that there is enough time for specific agenda items, especially those that require critical thinking, discussion, brainstorming, etc.

These are a few of the tips I include in my new Managing Effective Meetings ebook.

Download your free copy of Managing Effective Meetings

Managing Effective Meetings is a reference guide for leaders, meeting or committee chairs, executive directors, and facilitators—essentially for anyone who is in the role of leading and chairing meetings.

The tips you’ll find are a compilation of my experience with leading and facilitating countless meetings over the past 30 years and having attended just as many meetings that I couldn’t wait to get out of (and some that were tough to build up excitement to attend).

It was with these experiences in mind that I created a 20+page quick read PDF reference guide for you. This eBook is content-rich and full of practical strategies to create effective meetings that people want to attend and participate in fully.

Join us for our LinkedIn Audios coming up in April:

April 4: The costs of poorly managed conflict: Sign up here : (free): https://www.dhirubhai.net/events/thecostsofpoorlymanagedconflict7180189037528305665/

April 11: Preparing for Hard Conversations: Sign up here : (free): https://www.dhirubhai.net/events/preparingforhardconversations7180190475876802560/

Charmaine Hammond, CSP, is a professional speaker helping teams work better together. The topics Charmaine most commonly speaks on is: Navigating Workplace Conflict, Courageous Dialogue, High Pressure Communication, Working Better Together and Workplace Resilience


