Why Adding Emotion is a Brand Strategy | Identity Relations
Amera Fattah
Empowering SelfMade Corporate Executives with Innovative Brand Strategies to Advertise and Entertain | Founder of Suite Storees The Advertainment Company? | Brand Consultant
Often conversations about business transformation begin with how a company is operating, what departments are doing and metrics that are all numerical-based, how does this translate into the conversation of “What’s new” “what’s next” and “What’s best” for the business, for the brand and for you, as the being.
Reviewing Your Current Marketing Strategy
Have you ever thought of your marketing strategy as a series of events designed to share an experience?
How do you define an experience? What elements make up the concept of the word design – to you?
Thinking of your marketing strategy as a series of events allows for the space for you to introduce emotion into the formula of how you can connect to your audience, an audience, and the audience.
Introduce emotion into the formula of how you can connect to your audience, an audience, and the audience.
Let’s think about the series of events in relevance to your marketing strategy. If you host an event, how do you want your guests to feel? How do you want to feel hosting the event? What is the experience pre-event, post-event, and every part of the event?
Let’s think about the creation of the series of your events, what about these feelings can you replicate? In other words, if you’re seeing growth in a particular department of your company, brand or even personal life, would you question why there is a positive improvement? Where is there positive growth? What emotions are invoked relevant to the term ‘positive’ and ‘growth’?
In this series of events, you’re essentially reviewing growth, improvement, and the reasoning of your operations.
Let’s think about the series of events in the realm of your brand identity. Why do you want the guests to feel this way? What accessories assist you in creating this experience? Is there a reason for the colors, the scents, the styles, the ambiance, or all the other factors that are co-creating this series?
#SweetTip: Review the reasons of why you want to invoke a particular emotion.
Define the terms of what each emotion looks like, feels like and how each emotion can be described.
Think of an emotion as an outfit.
Sad looks sad. Happy looks happy.
But each emotion can look differently on every individual and thus your brand identity will look, feel and be experienced differently for every individual because of one word: perception.
Your brand identity will look, feel and be experienced differently for every individual because of one word: perception.
The more you can create familiarity through your invoked emotion, then you can establish a direct-to-intent brand identity.
A simple example: This ad is intended to [action word] for [brand messaging] because of [identity reasoning].
A marketing strategy is that of creating a blueprint of how to speak to your audience through anything other than your most direct communication; it is enhancing the messaging via visuals, technologies, experience, and even, behavior.
“Design a brand that creates a conversation worth an ...and…”
“Design a brand that creates a conversation worth an ...and…”
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Design Your Brand Identity & Create Your Next Reality with Suite Storees The Advertainment Company?
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