Why academicians need to develop management skills
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Why academicians need to develop management skills

Why are managerial skills important for academicians?

The teachers themselves need to develop their skills and personality to justify their job. One such skill is Managerial Skill. 

As 'Management' is a practical skill and is very essential for the effective functioning of an organization, it finds a place in all kinds of organizations including educational institutions.

Teachers play various roles in a typical classroom, but surely one of the most important is that of classroom manager. 

Effective teaching and learning cannot take place in a poorly managed classroom. Effective teachers appear to be effective with students of all achievement levels regardless of the levels of heterogeneity in their classes. 

If the teacher is ineffective, students under that teacher’s tutelage will achieve inadequate progress academically, regardless of how similar or different they are regarding their academic achievement.

To put your knowledge to use, you must know the important management skills that academicians must possess and develop that work best for your students.

Vital management skills among academicians

Build an authoritative personality

Teachers’ personalities speak volumes about their authority. Students feel compelled to give respect to the teachers they find authoritative. 

One of the ways you can bring this authority is by adding an element of authoritative charm to your personality.

You can dress up more sharply and work on your confidence. From the way you look to the way you speak, everything can make a difference in how your students feel about you. 

Being able to carry yourself with dignity has to be one of the basic classroom management skills. Once you gain their respect and attention, you can easily command them to behave.

Know your subject well

While we are on the subject of authority, know that it doesn’t only come from the way you look and talk. 

To earn respect from your students, you must also be a master of your subject. 

Every teacher prepares for the coming class in advance, but that is not enough. 

Subject matter expertise is one of the most effective classroom management skills.

You should know all about it, in and out. 

So, when students come with random, out-of-the-lesson questions, you must be able to answer them most of the time. 

And be brave enough to say that you are not sure of the correct answer if and when you don’t know one. 

Assure them that you will research and answer the query the next day.

Involve students to create classroom guidelines

One of our teachers in school used to select the naughtiest student in the class to be the class monitor, and it used to work in the teacher’s favour. 

There is a reason behind this. When a teacher trusts students with responsibility, they feel valued and obliged to present their best selves.

This is why you see the brightest students reminding teachers about a test or homework assessment while others slouch in their chairs to hide their faces. 

You can put this psychological aspect to use and involve your students in setting classroom guidelines.

Give opportunities to all

Teachers who often shut off initiatives fail to gain the students’ trust and loyalty. 

On the other hand, students respect those teachers whose classes they enjoy. 

When you involve students in your teaching plans and encourage initiatives, they tend to engage more with your lessons.

One way of doing this can be by asking students to volunteer in reading a chapter in advance and prepare a presentation. 

When a few of them willingly take up the task and explain the topic in front of the class the next day, you can take your time to add your wisdom and make the whole lecture more fun and interactive.

Set learning expectations before each lecture

Lack of students’ interest in the lesson is one of the major reasons for classroom mismanagement. 

When students feel bored or fail to understand a topic, they get distracted. 

To make management easy, you must let your students know the agenda at the beginning of the class and set learning expectations for them.

These kinds of classroom management techniques would keep students motivated to look for concepts that they must comprehend. 

They will also attend the class more attentively in order to achieve the desired learning goals. 

By close observation of their achievements, you can evaluate how effective your teaching technique is for all of your students, and modify your lesson delivery accordingly.

Give positive feedback and rewards

Positive feedback and rewards motivate everyone to give their best in any pursuit. 

If you want your students to pay more attention in class and participate readily in classroom activities, you must use this approach. 

Never let any moment of achievement by any of your students pass by without recognizing it in front of everyone.


Effective classroom management requires awareness, patience, good timing, boundaries, and instinct. 

There's nothing easy about shepherding a large group of easily distractible young people with different skills and temperaments along a meaningful learning journey.


Prof. (Dr.) Meera Shanker的更多文章

