Why 98% Of Companies Neglect This One Thing That Can Cost Your Company Millions In Government Fines ??
Picture this for a second. Cybersecurity is your wall. Your Great Wall.
Tall and Strong. Fortified with all the newest bells and whistles of the cybersecurity industry.
Your board is happy. You're respected. The wall has never fallen.
Your coworkers/team uses a gate to go in and out of this wall daily to go home and re-enter your fortress.
Sounds good so far?
The enemies of your wall have no way of going over or under your wall.?
Recently, large companies with the strongest walls we’ve ever seen have had reputation-damaging breaches.
There’s a new way to breach that bad actors have been taking advantage of.
They breach the gate by being let through by your team/employees, unknowingly.
No matter how tall and strong your wall is, the gate will always be your weakest link.
Strengthening the gate may be the first attempt. Teaching your employees and team to be aware of phishing and vishing attacks.
This is a good start, but there’s a deeper level of this that the enemy goes.
They find information on your employees so they can impersonate and bypass any system you setup and it’s all available on the web.
A simple search and anyone can find personal identifiable information on your employees.?
With enough of this information, hackers, bad actors, or even competitors can use this information to get into your systems and access anything that an employee has access to.
This makes your wall and gate much weaker. All your hard work and reputation is destroyed by a simple mistake.?
What could have you done? Is it just out of your hands??
Or is there a way you can become the hero of your company?
Data Privacy.
Your shining sword in the battle of cybersecurity.
This is the missing half of cybersecurity.?
How you can cover your employees and company inside and outside the walls of your business.
This is a fairly new concept, but has made quite a stir in the media recently due to huge data breaches.
Leading to thousands of companies being fined millions of dollars by the government.?
Data Privacy is becoming a huge player in the Information Security sect just as much as the Privacy Sect.
Introducing a concept such as Data Privacy to your company might be the missing link your company needs to completely secure yourselves from the incoming cyber attacks of the future.
They are getting smarter and going deeper. So, you have to have smarter tools and better privacy!
Data Privacy secures your employees, saves them time by removing work numbers from the web, and protects them from phishing attacks. Inside and outside of work.
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