Why are 95% of people retire poor’?
Sundaram Raju
Training Consultant l Corporate Trainer - Behavior/Soft skills l NLP Practitioner l TESOL Certified Coach
To retire rich or retire poor is a choice, and nobody can make such a decision for you. You have yet another chance today to choose the path you want to follow. The path to becoming rich and wealthy and the path to remain poor. So, choose wisely.
Reason 1:
They are Surrounded and Influenced by Other Poor People.
Many people fail to realize the influence their reference group has on their destiny. Ziglar once said, ‘you can’t be flying with the eagles if you’re scratching with the turkeys.’ If you are truly serious about attaining financial freedom, it’s essential to surround yourself with people who already have financial freedom. You also need access to people who they are financially free. Learn from them, model them. Imitate them, success always leaves clues. Learn from the people who retire rich and as well hear from the horse’s mouth.