They have a vision or a mission of where their life will go.?They write their story – no one else.?They are living that story.
They say no to giving the steering wheel of life to anyone else. They keep control of their time & energy – they don’t let people set their agenda in life.
They say no to opportunities and things that don't excite them, speak to their values, or further their mission in life.
They don’t accept a situation or a circumstance they are in, where they are, what they have or haven’t, can’t do or be, or not allowed. If it isn’t where they should be or have what they should, then they focus on getting it there.
They periodically stop & ask themselves, is what I’m doing now going to get me to my vision / goal.?If not, then they stop doing it.
They decide if barrier/walls/obstacles or failures will defeat or stop them. Those obstacles/barriers are there to determine how badly we want something.?They don’t accept that they will defeat or stop them. They won’t be a victim – they are a player.
They don’t rationalize a failure, setback or lost opportunity.?You won’t hear from them an excuse for the failure, they’re focused on giving a reason to succeed.
When going through Hell, they keep going.?There will be setbacks, suffering, trials, and tribulations.?If they stop, they know they will be stuck. They keep on trucking through to the other side.
They remove those people in their lives that are negative and/or drain their energy.?They do not listen to the naysayers, but also not those who claim to be experts on what can or cannot be done.
They do their homework.?They judge advice and counsel carefully, discreetly, prudently, and balanced with experience, knowledge and facts before acting.
They know that for every action there’s a reaction (consequence) – and there can be multiple series of consequences/results.?They think multiple steps in advance.?They are not one-step thinkers.