Why Not 2 Smoke?
Rajendranath Mehrotra
'Motivational and General knowledge/ awareness' topics at Independent Writing
Why One should not smoke?
While most Doctors/Health experts tell us almost all the negative harms of SMOKING, they still 'Miss out one most important reason', which is "Carbon Monoxide" which we inhale thru' the smoke of Cigarette.In fact, this Carbon Monoxide (CO) is so harmful that even a FEW breath of CO can make us unconscious and can cause death.
To understand the reasons in some details; let me 1st explain,how our body works.
Actually speaking,our human body is like a CHEMICAL FACTORY, running on 'Combustion Oxidation Reaction', which produces,Heat,Electricity,certain proteins and other vital byproducts. This reaction is carried out at almost all Tissue/Cell levels for their need of Heat/Energy?Electricity etc.
In order to sustain and keep this reaction continue without failing/ sagging/ interrupting;the 'Red Blood Cells', absorb Oxygen from the air we 'Breath In' and exhale out unwanted gases.The compound thus formed When these 'red blood cells' absorb Oxygen from the Air,is KNOWN AS 'oxyhaemoglobin' which is highly UNSTABLE in nature.
Once blood reaches tissues/cells/all other parts of our body during circulation; these tissues/cells/body parts; extract out OXYGEN from Oxyhameoglobin within the blood 2 meet out their own oxygen requirements for sustaining this continuously ongoing reaction.
Despite such a fool proof safety system of our body,many things do/can fool our system and interrupt/sabotage our this 'Combustion Reaction" and thus may even cause serious diseases/death.
Carbon Monoxide,found in smoke, is one such CHEMICAL which fools our RED BLOOD CELLS.
Affinity of Carbon Monoxide (CO) towards blood cells is nearly 350 times higher than OXYGEN and hence; as long as 'CO' remains available,our 'RBCs' keep absorbing only 'CO", leaving out 'Oxygen'.
In 'nutshell'; as long as 'CO' remains present,they work as a KILLER of our body reactions and produce many types toxic wastes,which further damage our normal body function.
Added 2 the woo,this "Mono-Carboxyhemoglobin" compound is more of a stable nature and body needs 6~8 hrs. in breaking this compound.
This also means that till this "Mono-Carboxyhemoglobin" remains present in our blood,our blood 'RBCs' remain starved off Oxygen and hence more toxins/wastes R produced/generated/get accumulated in our body,which have a DIRECT RELATION WITH OUR NORMAL BODY FUNCTIONS.
It is estimated that,depending upon our smoking habits,about 1~2% 'RBCs" get saturated by smoking merely ONE Cigarette.
This also means that if U smoke a pack of 20,most likely;20~30% 'RBCs' become useless and slow down Ur normal body reactions proportionately,resulting in to many complications/diseases/cancers etc.
So,B4 smoking,do think that for next few hours,Ur hampering ur own normal body reactions and preventing 'SELF CLEANING' mechanisms of our body.