Why is -140°C/-220°F the optimal treatment temperature of Whole Body Cryotherapy?
Whole body cryotherapy (WBC) has been used in clinics all around the world for over 40 years. [2,3] Primarily the therapy has been used as a method of physical recovery in hospitals
Cryotherapy as a treatment consists of “supercooling of the skin surface to the level of -2°C” in order to “stimulate cold receptors of the patient’s skin” which in turn positively affects internal organs. [3] The two key parameters which measure the effectiveness of WBC
At the very early beginnings when whole body cryotherapy first arrived on the market as a treatment for physical rehabilitation, temperatures ranged from around -175°C/-283°F to -160°C/-256°F. However, manufacturers began “increasing the operating temperature of the equipment, [in order to] significantly reduce the cost of its production.” [1] This resulted in many companies producing machines at an average operating temperature of -80°C/-112°F, far higher than the temperature used in the 90's for rehabilitation.
A recent research report
“The reason that many modern WBC systems are not able to provide the conditions for obtaining the healthcare effects described in the last century is the increase in gas temperature.” [1]
Considering patients’ average body shell measurements and the temperature of the treatment, a drastic increase in temperature from -170°C/-274°F to -110°C/-166°F, without a doubt affects the degree of supercooling the user’s body surface during treatment and ultimately negatively impacts the effectiveness of the treatment. One article prompts that the recent trend to move away from nitrogen power has caused devices to become 10 times less efficient than the original devices used before the 90s. This is because many of these new WBC devices are unable to reach temperatures low enough to deliver positive effects on the human body. [4]
A recent study at ITMO University in St. Petersburg considered the duration of the analgesic effect as their main criterion for testing and optimizing the efficacy
During this study tests at temperatures of 160 K or -113.15°C/-171.67°F were comparable to other tests performed by doctors in sports medicine [5] which compared WBC at a temperature of -110°C/-166°F to ice baths with a temperature of 8°C/46.4°F, proving no advantage for WBC as they resulted in similar body shell surface temperature. [1]
From this study, the results were clear that the advantages of WBC begin at temperatures lower than -110°C and peak at -130°C, with a minimum treatment duration of 120 seconds.
Thus it can be argued that effective WBC treatment temperature should not be higher (warmer) than -130°С /-202°F , with a minimum procedure duration of 120 seconds. [1]
?[1] ??????????Alexander Baranov, Oleg Pakhomov, Alexander Fedorov, Vladimir Ivanov, Andrew Zaitsev and Ruslan Polyakov. Technique and Technology of Whole-Body Cryotherapy (WBC) Saint Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics 2019
[2]???????????Yamauchi Y, Yamauchi T, Miura K. The analgesic effects of -170°C whole body cryo-therapy on rheumatoid arthritis (R.A.); curable. Pain. 1987;30 (Supp. 1):S261
[3]???????????Yamauchi T, Yamauchi Y, Miura K, Cooper A. Clinical effects of -170°C whole body cryotherapy (W.B.C.T.) on steroid dependant chronic diseases. Journal of Steroid Bio-Chemistry. 1986; 25(Supp. 1):25
[4]??????????? Baranov AY. Low-temperature installations for medical purposes. In: Part 1. Apparatus for General Cryotherapy Treatment: (Textbook). St. Petersburg: University ITMO; IHBT; 2016. p. 178
[5] ??????????Costello JT, Donnelly AE, Karki A, Selfe J. Effects of whole body cryotherapy and cold water immersion on knee skin temperature. International Journal of Sports Medicine. 2014;35:35-40
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