Whose RIGHT, whose WRONG?

Whose RIGHT, whose WRONG?

If we are here to "experience" this journey of life by our own unique path, why then, so many times, do we listen to those who have been given so-called positions of 'authority,' over us. ( or we are led to believe have )

Whether it be government, whether it be church or even down to people who have given themselves positions of authority as 'gurus' or 'experts' on social media platforms.

How many times are we bombarded with the sentiment that they are there for YOU, for US, that THEY have the ANSWERS that we all seek?

Do you ever challenge the status quo?

Do you ever say hang on, that doesn't sit well with me?

Or do you honestly go about life and take word for word what so many of these people say as gospel?

Lets take people who condemn or chastise others for not following their beliefs for example.

Why and who gives somebody of a certain belief the right to judge another persons belief if we are all here to try to navigate this journey we called life?

Who said to that person of 'X' belief of what they 'feel' is indeed correct in the grand scheme of things and how do they know?

Then lets for example take so many 'manifestation' coaches that say they have the answer for YOU to manifest the life of your dreams.

One coach will straight to set the intention, visualise then let the expectation go. The next will say write down your affirmations and say them everyday but miss out what the first coach said, and then you have another saying the reason people are not manifesting their dreams is because they don't fully believe it so they have to speak as if they already have it, by saying something like....

'I remember when my Porsche was delivered to my house'

Do you question this or just hand over your money?

My point isn't to pick a fault in manifestation or any individual but merely to say clearly it seems each coach has seemingly found what works for THEM and yet is completely different to the other coach, right?

So how can anybody then claim that their way WILL work for you?

We are seeing so much of the world being exposed and even down to 'Hollywood' with what so many of our favourite 'celebrities' have allegedly done to get into their positions of fame and fortune.

To me the irony is, that people seem to love a good 'fall from glory' story.

Why, when nobody is perfect!

To me, without knowing facts, why are so many jumping in on all the gossip, the judgement, the condemning of people they actually have no relationship with or know anything about, especially when on socials or in their faith they are preaching with what then comes across as self-righteousness when we see them join the gossip.

Yes, we are hearing so many 'celebrities' in Hollywood have apparently done 'favours' to get ahead, yet do you know that person's story?

What if they came from nothing, drug-fuelled homes, no parents, scrimped and scraped for years, were on the streets, maybe had a child to feed and somebody comes along to them and says,

'Do this and I'll change your life'

In YOUR life experience, you may say no, due to NOT having lived like that person.

But for somebody you have absolutely no idea about or their life experiences, they may well have thought, well,

'I've got nothing left to lose'

My point here is, as much as so much is getting exposed in the world, there is so much self-righteousness appearing left, right and centre and nobody, knows what is truly correct in any circumstance ( in Hollywood circumstances unless a person was there of course ) and nobody is perfect

The person behind closed doors at the end of the day is YOU.

How many masks do you wear outside in the real world?

How many are hiding trauma, suppressing it, how many have done things they want to forget, how many honestly judge others yet are not walking a righteous path.

This word, righteous, bothered me when I found faith or rather God found me through the Imperfectly Perfect Campaign.

Because I simply couldn't hold my hand up and say I'm perfect. I'm not and I own that.

I know I have a good heart for others, I do my best, I give back to others and I am more mindful over anything else towards other people in terms of trying always to be non-judgemental ( honestly, that can be hard. Especially when people try to use you, walk over and around you like I have experienced along my journey multiple times. But we are all humans, we are flawed and we do often judge something whether good or bad because of it. But we can become more mindful. Those people I've experienced all taught me lessons I needed to learn! )

Now my good friend Jeremy said something that changed a lot for me.

( Did it take it for gospel because he is a friend - NO. i took it for gospel because when I heard it, my intuitive feeling kicked in and said yes! )

In that, to him, righteous means RIGHT THINKING.

The doing comes from the thinking.

We cannot do right.

We can only see, feel and allow God into our minds daily to become who and what we are truly supposed to be free from 'the world'.

I am never here to say i'm right or wrong in what I believe when it comes to life.

But with seeing so many confused people running around listening to everybody but themselves, I hope somebody reads this and knows its OK to listen to themselves and drown out the noise and not join in with the judgement of others because then you have to ask yourself, am I now part of this problem?


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