Whose problem is it-the child's or the parent's?
Susan Hamilton-Green
Family Dispute Resolution Specialist at Creative Family Law Solutions
Join me in the next instalment of our Conversation Series when I discuss this fascinating topic with guest speaker Donovan Nufable.
Covid has been a particularly challenging time for everyone in the community, with many jobs under threat, social isolation the new norm, and a pervading sense of uncertainty for what the world will look like next month, and next year.
This has been particularly hard on families, with requirements for working from home, and the juggle of home schooling. All relationships are being tested, and pushed to their limits. Those couples already experiencing difficulties in communication, and struggling to pull together in hard times, are suffering even more.
In the same way that each couple has their unique stresses and coping strategies now, so do their children. A friend of mine has three children, one aged 14 who has spent the entire lockdown isolated in her room, communicating only with her friends on social media; another who was excited to commence school this year but is struggling and requiring considerable support with working online; and a 10 year old who did not cope at all well in the first shorter lockdown, and is now showing consistent signs of lack of concentration, unwillingness to co-operate, and frequent uncontrolled and angry outbursts.
Donovan Nufable is a counsellor and family therapist of considerable experience who works with children and families in this space. He is passionate about working with families and young people with regard to issues of mental health, addiction and conflict.
Donovan and I will explore current issues relevant for children such as those I have described, and suggest some ideas that may be useful when confronted with these issues, and looking for pathways to assist these families to be the best that they can be in this difficult time. We will be investigating questions such as:
- What would Covid look like through the eyes of children?
- What are the signs that children are not coping in Covid?
- What do children need to be the best that they can be right now?
- Are these behaviours indicative of a serious problem?
- If so, whose problem is it- the child's or the parents?
- What resources are available to assist these families?
Donovan and I will discuss this topic live on the Creative Family Law Solutions FaceBook Page from 9.00 am on Wednesday 23 September, 2020.
If you have any questions that you want us to address, send these in advance and we will endeavour to answer them in our session, or post them on the CFLS page, and we will respond directly to you after our session.