Who’s in your A Team crew?

Now this isn’t one of those normal motivational quotes, it’s not a cheerleader type ‘rara’, or a ‘yey, you got this’ virtual hug … It’s more of a call to arms. 

I want to set the scene for this …

Recently I went to an amazing event at the most luxurious hotel; the decor was like no other, the service world class, the food a work of art and the bubbles on tap. For the afternoon I was with the most gorgeous women, all truly beautiful inside and out. We hadn’t met before. We’d all connected through the wonders of Facebook, and all with a common interest. The energy in the room was supercharged, the tears flowed (as did the bubbles), learnings and honesty shared, hugs handed out like confetti at a wedding, the laughter rapidly increasing in volume (sorry if you were having afternoon tea!). If you were in that room you’d think we’d all been friends for years and would wonder what we knew that you didn’t.

So why do I tell you this? I share this to set the scene, to jog a memory of that time when you too were surrounded by the most awesome people, when the energy around you left you feeling unstoppable. Maybe it was recently, maybe in the distant past, but for a second take a minute to cast your mind back and step into that place. Are you there? Fab, keep hold of it, we’ll come back to it.

After the event, we all relunctantly parted ways (truth be told we’d already stayed in the room over an hour longer #gatecrashing). As we got trains and planes (yes, the committed flew in for the event!) back to our everyday lives, you’d expect the post event norm to kick in. You know what I mean, think back to that memory … You’ve gone to that *event/ gathering/ meeting/ convention (*delete as applicable). You’re hyped, you’re pumped, you’re motivation is off the scale. You are going to walk out of there and own it. You’re excuses are in the bin. Today is a new day. The reset button is hit. You’re going to stay in touch with the people you met. Sound familiar? 

I’ve been there too … I’ve literally floated out, adamant that “this is it”, “we’ll connect everyday” and “Day one starts today!”. Then what happens? Maybe the momentum lasts for a while. You come out and leap into action, you create, you do and then it dwindles. Or maybe you walked out of there and like the ineviatble sugar crash after eating a jar of nutella (don’t judge), the next day you’re enthusiasm drops, elation is replaced with the deflation and that thing hits you; ‘normality’. 

This time though it felt different. The next morning it still felt different. It still feels different. Speaking to the amazing friends I made, it’s clear that this is a common feeling between us; ‘something is different’. 

So why is it different? I’m not sure … Overthinking me would have tried to analise it. Tried to understand it, tried to rationalise it. Me now, I’m just running with it. Afterall, it wasn’t a strategy event, we didn’t have powerpoint presentations of tools or tactics, we just talked. We shared our stories, shared our ‘ahhhh’ monents, shared our feelings, shared our wins and struggles. I can hand on ?? say that in that room, there was not one ounce of negativity, jealousy or falseness. But don’t get me wrong, it’s not all about fluff and we aren’t pampered princesses. We’re a kick ass group of business babes who have big ass goals and like heat seeking missiles are on a none stop path to achieve them.

What I do know is that you can read all the personal development books in the world, listen to audio book after audio book rammed with strategy but you can’t beat real connection**. It doesn’t matter about background, industry, age or any other factor, human touch, human interaction matters. When you surround yourself with people who just get it, that’s where the magics happens. So next time you’re in that meeting or attend that seminar, go in with an open mind, don’t hide away, look around and scope who‘s in your A team crew? Who can you lock arms with, who would you go into battle with and for and who would you love to walk across the victory line with. Then commit, do it! 

Ladies, we are doing this together. The war paints on, we’re rocking the #WomenWhoJFDI jackets, accessorised of course with a pair of Louboutins and extra volume lashes!

Much love,

Laura x

* Disclaimer-I do love a spot of PD and learning!

** Thanks for an amazing weekend Stacey!

PS-Want to know how I left the corporate world and built a business that I love, all in less than 12 months. Want to know how I can help you get clarity so that you too can turn your passion into a business … Drop me a message … The Time Is Now!

PPS-Yes, a FREE Facebook group for ladies who want to grow a business & lifestyle we love. It is possible ladies! 



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