Who's In Your Corner?
Tamarah Ellen
Entertainer/Host of Tamarah's Closet LIVE INTERVIEWS, Writer & Photographer
Not everyone has someone in their corner to lift and encourage them. That’s when we must rely on our faith, by finding our inner strength to be our own coach! Over the years people have come into my life that lift and encourage me. They are like angels out of nowhere that land in my path and they are good people. Even if they don’t stay for a lifetime, they are there for a reason. Sometimes it can even be words from a stranger; standing in line at the pharmacy, the post office, or the grocery store.
We never know when these people will appear, but for me, they seem to come at just the right moment. Sometimes I’ve connected to someone at a networking event who becomes an angel of encouragement. These times I feel blessed and I know these moments were no accidents.
If you are struggling with HOPE, you must keep hanging on, for there will be an angel of mercy who walks into your life that will lift you up! The more we recognize them and are thankful for them, the more they appear. I’ve been blessed with many angels over the years. Some hang around for years, some for a passing season. The strangers who touch us are there for that precious moment, when we are about to give up. It doesn’t matter how long they stay; for what matters is that they appeared and touched our hearts.
We may not be able to peek into our future, yet we can peek through faith, that all things come in perfect timing. Each part of our journey is a lesson, preparing us for something greater ahead.
HOPE can feel like a challenge, yet when we remember there will be an angel who will appear on our path, at the right moment through faith and never giving up, we will be lifted once again. Hang in there for miracles are about to happen!
When I don’t have an angel, in a given moment, I retreat to a quiet place and meditate on what I want my life to look like. Find a quiet place that is your special place to think happy thoughts! ~Tamarah Ellen~!