Who's in your Community?

Who's in your Community?

Have you ever felt like you didn't quite "fit in"? You've probably heard me talk about it a lot, but I get so frustrated with the idea that we need to conform and "tick one box" in order to function effectively in society, but - let's be real: no one is married to just ONE story. Just like Shrek, we all have layers... but many of us want to only share one of those layers.

I don't know about you, but I've never been one to happily tick one box... and I've often been proud to wave my "freak flag". My differences make me unique, and there is value in all things unique, right??

Well, yesterday, I had the distinct privilege to speak [virtually] to six teens around the world about the importance of honoring our uniqueness... especially if/when the world has a habit of pitying those parts of us that makes us unique. You can probably relate. We've all been through adversities that make us stop and question everything. Ponder why the world is so hard, and even if we're strong enough to make it through... especially if we feel alone in our fights. But you're not alone - not really - and yesterday, for the first time?ever?I found a community for my inner child.?


Because these six teenagers that I spoke with yesterday? From Texas to the Dominican to Ohio all have the same neurological condition I have: hydrocephalus. These six teens that I shared my story with have all had brain surgery too. These six badass humans that I wrote a song with yesterday have all been through the?same?adversity that I have - and are still choosing to wake up every morning to fight the good fight.

Check out some of the lyrics we wrote together.

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Yep. I've been doing this whole channeling my emotions through music and songwriting thing for most of my life [I started when I was 4years old]. So it means a lot to me when I can help others recognize and step into the importance of their voice and experiences... and learn how to turn them into powerful anthems of overcoming and healing.

But it?also?means a lot that I can honor and celebrate my own journey of turning my struggles into song... which is why I am?thrilled?to be able to release a song every month this year that honors my inner-teenager's compositions, and this month is no different.

If you haven't yet checked out my newest single for May [which is Mental Health Awareness Month], as well as the other songs I've released this year, I'd love for you to head over to Spotify and check them out!


Phewf! This was a longer Monday newsletter than I intended.

But what can I say? Mondays are the best days to set ourselves up for a week of success... so whether that's the emails you're reading, the music you're listening to, or the songs you're writing for yourselves [because - let's be real: YOU REALLY ARE the writer of your own life song]: I hope you're doing everything you can to ensure you're going into the best week of your life.

~ Emma G

PS. If you had no idea about me and my brain surgeries, or how songwriting and music have had a pivotal role in my mental, emotional and cognitive health, here's my TEDx Talk where I talk all about it!


Emma G - Vocal and Songwriting Coach, TEDx Speaker, Mentor的更多文章

