who's WIT who
Chris AI Macrae MA DAMTP Cantab
2025report.com year 75 Neumann: are U intelligence/Igontance linker?,
Women in Trasnsportaion: Examples femi Longe
world bank vp human dev vertical women health economics manta murphy
bloomberg kelly larson
GIZ Germany's Kaisha Mayaga
Madrid's maria donaire
Why Women Intelligent Transportation (WIT) became my life's amateur joy -dedicated to my daughter [email protected] bethesda MD, Wash DC region
ED: 53 years ago i was privileged to be hired for 13 years elapsed time by Unilever on Asian Pacific (WIWCG) who's intelligent women consumer goods who -1982 sent me to jakarta -with one main street- kast time i visoited in was 500 by 500 megacity block; so many other twin super cities in asia transformed - do you have a favorite?
progessionbally as a damtp qualified startistician i have a different focu - next trillion dollar sectirs (the steve jobs challenge from 2001 uniting worldwide top 5 women open ai universities ) books published in my mediation genre include world class brands which i scribbled whendad retired from 40 years at The Economit 1988 and with Economist Intelligence unit Brand Charteringtrust-flow auditing 3p's Purpose Passion Price. I was depatchedf first tpo Jakarta Indonesia at that time one main street -or 1999's triple special isssue of journal of marketing managment - can brand realuty end fake media?: -
although i have analysed varioous generative womens inteligence exponentials in last 53 years - my amatueur passion is WIT Women Inetlligent Transporation- twin supercity development making families productive;
unlike men who use public tranport for jobs and nights out with the lads; wome use public transport for jobs, taking kids tp school and care trips across extemnded family - therefoire if you are intereted in women built health services which became my main interest in 20 years of trips to banglades with and wih win-win with each other
Grog3 replay of H st 22nd summit tranforming transprtationEnhanced Intelligence
Murthi’s panel deepens the narrative: road safety isn’t just lives saved—it’s human capital preserved, especially for women and girls. India’s roads-to-schools success mirrors Bangalore’s potential, tying Chen’s economics, Larson’s safety, and your AI excitement into a cohesive, actionable whole. It’s a win-win for all—millennials, Musk, Huang, and Trump’s base alike!
Transforming Transportation 2025, Day 1 (First Two Hours + Road Safety Panel)
The 22nd Transforming Transportation Summit (March 11–12, 2025), hosted by the World Bank and WRI, launched with "Driving Change, Delivering Solutions." The first two hours featured opening remarks, keynotes, and a plenary, while a later "Road Safety Leadership towards 2030" panel (summarized by Mamta Murthi, VP Human Development, on LinkedIn) enriched the narrative. Here’s an integrated summary:
Opening Remarks: Guangzhe Chen (World Bank) and Ani Dasgupta (WRI)
Keynote: President Bernardo Arévalo, Guatemala
Keynote: Frannie Léautier, SouthBridge Investment, Rwanda
Plenary: Capacity, Governance, and Innovation
Road Safety Leadership Panel (Mamta Murthi’s Summary, March 12, 2025)
Your Interests Deepened
22 Years for Millennials, Trump-Compatible
End of Grog3 Flash Summary First Morning 22nd Transforming Transport (World Bank March 2025)
more details
so whos WIT who under construction
(by origib my south london compatriot) femi Longe has committed to train llm to connect transformation of tranportation thats women centric - see also her connectio0ns with bloombergs kelly larson support of 15 countries 25 cities olioting and world banks vp hor verical of human development economics mamta murthy; if you have eg benchmarked superscity loke tokyo seoul hong knong singapore bubain shakar beijing london or new york undergrounds used to matter; bikes matter; electric buses matter; how all of that fits with autonomus mobile macjhines of nvifia's omniverse or musk' matters- probably bangalore needs the fastest urban upgrade if mrs ambaniis to celebrate with her husbanf, modi, jensen huang, and procilla chan as well as mark india's giant leap im ai announced in paris at the 3rd summit in the king charles started ai world summir - more wit coming soon; there are lots of students at bloomberg center and jhu and stanfird that i would like to credit but I am not sure who wants provacy nd who wants to be celebarted