Who's supplying your narrative?
(c) Telegraph

Who's supplying your narrative?

Everyone has a narrative. For everything. Everything they're consciously aware of.

Why you fell in love, fell out of love, love your job, hate your job, why we're here, why the govt is right, why it's wrong. Everything.

The question is: who's deciding your narrative? You? Not for 80 to 90% of the population.

If you locked down, wore a mask, got the j*b, j*bbed your kids and now stand with Ukraine, we know who's supplying your narrative.


Those narratives didn't exist until MSM (mainstream media) told you about them. Even when the politicians announced their 'position', you didn't know about them. Not unless you were watching an MSM live stream.

So MSM (and somewhat, let's include YouTube reporting MSM, FB reporting MSM etc), they provide your narrative. For 80 to 90% of the population.

That's fascinating. Think about that. It means that you don't need MORI or opinion polls or commentators or talking heads to know what people are thinking.

We only need MSM.

We certainly don't need you to express your opinion (which is why trolls are so entertaining). We know your narrative is cloned, absorbed, established by MSM.

Now consider what that means for 'democracy', govt by the people. My definition of democracy might be "an informed populace monitoring and controlling the government". My definition of tyranny or an autocratic regime might be "a government monitoring and controlling an uninformed populace".

Which sounds more like the societies we live in?

You might argue that 'informed by MSM' isn't 'uninformed'. Let's rephrase it then as "the people who want your compliance instruct you as to what to think and 80-90% will comply with that instruction".

It gets scary when you consider the impact that has on 'education'. 'Formal' education is supposed to be what you learn in schools, and that's scary enough. But what this tells us is that 'informal, immersive' education is going on all the time.

And the idea that 80-90% of people are moulded by the media memes? That's terrifying.

I'm not going to fight that. Instead, I'm going to speak to the 10-20% who enjoy natural immunity from MSM. You'll know instinctively if that's you. For certain, if that original narrative isn't you, we know you're immune. We don't need a test.

We might describe the 80-90% as those with a genetic, cultural, personal 'herd' or 'pack' mentality. Team. Team players. If you're not with us, you're against us. Anyone not complying is worse than a drunk driver. (Piers Morgan, I seem to recall).

The 10-20% do something unusual (irresponsible, for the majority). They step back. They form their own opinion. They think for themselves. They do the research.

And it's disturbing how 'immune' the pack is to the rationale of science, when it's a science that challenges the narrative. The herd is immune to any challenge to the herd narrative.

The independent thinker is immune to the herd narrative.

We are in a civil war of the mind, and you know fully well which side you're on.

If you've been angry, confronted, by 'conspiracy theorists' spreading 'fake news', yup, that's the 80-90%.

If you've looked on aghast at the government narrative, that's definitely the 10-20%, but what if you've been too busy with your life, with your business?

For what's coming, 'too busy' doesn't cut it. When it's already 'mainstream news', we're well on the way to a very dark place. See the header photo.

Maybe you don't know how we got here. You were too busy with 'important' things.

Maybe you're aware but you don't see how to get around it or out of it.

I've spent the last two years providing analysis that by many kind comments ("thank you for keeping me sane") has been helpful, for the independent thinkers.

We've reached a point where 'being aware' isn't enough. What's coming is a tsunami. Being aware that it's coming isn't enough, if you're still on the beach. It's not a literal tsunami (though they could play a role, naturally or artificially, but that's another story). But it is real, unstoppable, and it's going to shake the west to its core.

It's already begun. It's already being assiduously reported by the smarter observers.

And the 80-90% are going to go on with their lives, oblivious, until MSM informs them with pieces such as the article in the image, and then the 80-90% will look to the government to save them.

The same government that created the tsunami. How's that going to work out, do you think?

How are you going to protect your family, your livelihood, your business, your wealth?

After the depredations of the past two years, I need to pay the bills.

For what's coming, you need to prepare.

If you're not show what you're preparing for or how to do so, maybe we can work something out.

As Mark Twain said, "If you don't read the newspapers, you're uninformed, if you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed."


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