Who's side are you on? Please read the entire article before liking and/or commenting...
E Mark Wolf
Chief Creative Officer & Founder of Feeling The Healing (An innovative approach to healing regardless of affliction and/or age). Stats prove art therapy works! Be sure to follow our FTH Audio Podcast page for updates…
Everything happens for a reason. Ultimately, a Sovereign God can and will intervene when compelled. However, it's men and their ungodly quest for recognition that keeps the fire burning fervently in Hades.
Many of us are quick to judge. We blame God. We play God and those who don't claim Him serve everything but Him. However, if we aren't plugged in, fully trusting, listening and doing what The Holy Spirit guides us to do, then how could we possibly say the words "God, why did this happen" or "there's no such thing as God"?
WARNING: This articles contains pertinent information. At the end of your Earthly journey, the only regret you'll ever have is the risk you never took!
"Take a look inside The Book. You might just be surprised by the valor of its content." Anonymous
Gravity, our ever present unseen friend, is a good place to start. Yes, we can crunch numbers and explain theories effectively today. But, as a suicide survivor who took a trip to the other side and back, I can attest to the Kingdom of God. I died for 10 minutes... flat-lined. I am here to testify on behalf of Jesus Christ! God is real... PERIOD!
John 12:47-50 NIV
“If anyone hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge that person. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world.
There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my words; the very words I have spoken will condemn them at the last day.
For I did not speak on my own, but the Father who sent me commanded me to say all that I have spoken.
I know that his command leads to eternal life. So whatever I say is just what the Father has told me to say.” Jesus Christ
"He who graced us in the sun, shall surely join us in the shade." Eli Phoenix
So all of you nay saying foolish foe who keep running your mouths, please be quiet! You're speaking of a subject matter you know nil about! Get out the kitchen before you find the lake of fire has no escape route.
"I know my role. I accept it. I am His humble servant. Like a gentle storm, I am here to serve, protect and assist those in need of Christ." The Good Doctor
This magical force that keeps us grounded must come from somewhere? Surely, man and his most capable mind certainly can figure this all out... right? Science and all of its cute little theories posed by mortal man must always remember who and/or what governs these God-given laws. I am here to remind them!
"Don't rock His boat. Unless, you know what boat your rocking!" Saint Anonymous
So what's my point? My point is this... I am fed up with those who stand upon the grounds of dumbfounded disapproval. Why are they so intent on denying Him and His devoted disciples the crown? Why do mere mortals choose to bury His message in such a godless realm?
"Do to others as you would have them do to you." Jesus Christ via Luke 6:31 NIV
Everyone is so quick to blame God for this and that, yet few accept the challenge to take a look in the mirror. Man is a monster, and only monsters defile the name of God. God gave us the gift of free will, and what we do with it is our choice.
There are starving children; there are countless forms of physical, emotional, psychological, financial, sexual and/or spiritual abuse happening right now. The darkest of cold, heartless murderers roam this realm. There are those willing to serve man and man only, denying God His glory. There are horrible things going on everywhere all the time. Mainstream media is right there to distract, televise and sensationalize the age old fall of God as the rise of men cheer from the sidelines!
"No one can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon." Matthew 6:24 KJV
I am urging you to stop blaming. Stop complaining. Stop making negative comments on articles and/or good posts that promote peace and well-being. God uses His people to spread the message of love. We can and do make a difference with the help of Him who has all power.
My mother's golden rule was this: if you don't have something nice to say, then don't say anything at all. I am publishing this article because I am tired of witnessing abuse and attacks on the people who choose to love. Please stop persecuting, torturing and/or ridiculing us! God will have the final judgement. Regardless of what this current circus sideshow act of man irrelevantly believes, His day is coming!
Good morning God!
One of the most powerful quotes I use often states, "God can move mountains, but a powerful prayer can move God!" Anonymous
How amazing is that quote? I am not sure who said it first, but I do believe it's derived from the 1 book of Corinthians 13:2 NIV, which states "If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing."
God is love, so without love there is no God! God loves to hear us speak in the language of the heart. That which comes from the heart shall surely reach the heart. When we speak from the heart, we are sharing the voice of God with the world around us!
We all have been given the gift of sincerity. When we recognize this sincerity in others, we are communicating with our heart. The heart is our direct contact with Christ. He is the sacrament of the Blessed Heart, and we are closest to Him when we remain heart-centered!
Dear Lord, we pray that You help us lead with the heart today. We know that You can move mountains, so we pray that You can move any mountain that keeps us from living a heart-centered life today! Please dear Lord, hear our prayers, Amen!
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance—that principle is contempt prior to investigation." William Paley
Contempt prior to investigation is like claiming you don't like broccoli, yet you've never actually tasted broccoli. How can you stake such a claim? This is my point!
We are all guilty of judging books by their cover at times. However, I strongly suggest to the Godless, stay out of His arena. That is, unless you come in peace, willing to accept your faults, admitting defeat and begging for His forgiveness.
In this kitchen we call life, there's an omnipotent Chef preparing a final Supper for most of us. It's His wish that all choose to join us at the table. However, supper will be served soon, and those who are late will starve spiritually in the nether realm.
Please, call Him and accept Him into your heart, for the dinner bell is ringing, and His Mess Hall will be serving its last meal someday soon. We all grasp for one last breath upon our dying day, it is then and only then that most will say... "my God, what have I done?
Disclaimer: the views shared in this article have nothing to do with any outside political affiliations, race, creed, gender and/or labels we tend to judge. It's a call to action, and by no means is it meant to be radical nor extreme in nature. The content shared in this article is derived from the word of God via The Holy Bible. All written rights belong to All In Christ in its entirety.
About the author:
~Eli Phoenix~
8 年I thought he was dead , .....Mazza!. .Gwendolyn
Chief Creative Officer & Founder of Feeling The Healing (An innovative approach to healing regardless of affliction and/or age). Stats prove art therapy works! Be sure to follow our FTH Audio Podcast page for updates…
8 年Merry Christmas to all ???
Stan Diggs Founder/Chief Executive Servant at Hoto Village Each one Help one, Each one Teach one. KnowWhoYaWit????????????
8 年I am in total agreement with Deborah Taylor, very well said, Amen!
Not Just Another Pretty Voice StoryTeller
8 年God alone is beckoning We The People return to Him. Such that We are God driven by His grace not ours. Religion has nothing to do with God, He is Our sole Creator, thus worthy of our Love, Respect and Adoration.