Who's KRA is Balanced Ecosystem?
War can be stopped and Poverty can be eradicated but once we lost our ecosystem. We can not get it back. As a responsible citizen of India we should own the responsibility of climate change. Erratic change in climate is going to effect our generation and more the next ones. Its all because of human interaction with the environment components and unorganized urbanization in developing nations, somewhere exploitation by developed nations without the knowledge and technology.
One big reason is less awareness among citizens about the fragility of the environment. Governments and NGO's should take initiative to close the gap by propagating exemplary behaviors displayed by citizens in any corner of the world. It will start gradually change the behaviors of citizens towards it.
Private sector is the biggest contributor in environment degradation by emitting carbon content through production activities, we do not have much control on these economic activities since it also support our country's growth but we can have a robust Reward and Recognition Policy for those who have contributed to balance the ecosystem by investing or dropping such pollutant activities.
Aswan dam in Egypt on Nile river is a great threat to the ecosystem today where everyone was looking for a great hope, primarily It was planed for irrigation the Egyptian plateau, hydro project was established to supply power to the industries and households, nearby towns will get the water supply also fishing grounds were expected to improve the diets of locals. After few years it was observed that Nile delta was less fertile and has become smaller, due to high temperature water evaporates from the soil so the salinity level has increased, further that land requires more water and expansive fertilizer to grow crops. This led to increase the cost of agriculture and demand of fertilizer, to meet these demands more industries were installed in that region. Maximum power consumption was utilized by these industries. Water logging on the dam gave birth to various new insects now more people suffer from river diseases like Bilharzia.
Finally we have reached to a situation where we do not have a ecosystem to balance the entire situation in Egypt likewise in India their are various projects which Govt. is planning but no sustenance plan has been followed to mature these economic activities.
We have borrowed some time from our next generation so our commitment should be to give this earth safely to them without damaging its components. Everyone should take an oath to contribute towards sustaining our environment in this life which is itself a part of it.
"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed"-Mahatma Gandhi