Hey sis, have you ever wondered.....
Have you ever wondered to yourself……
Damn why do some women just have it going on? They just have this “VIBE” about them, why don’t I have that?
Honestly have you had these questions??
I did for a really long time, until I figured out that I hold that VIBE inside me.
Those around me felt it but I didn’t feel it until I discovered MYSELF.
Until I took the time to get to KNOW me.
Until I took the time to fall in LOVE?with me.
Until I took the time to discover my POWER!
Every single woman is born with the incredible feminine power.?
But we have been raised by generations of women that have been taught we have to push this power down and never speak, touch or run with this power! They pulled all education on the female body (dismissed it completely), and solely focused on the male body, the male traits and now we are to strive to reach those standards, to feel equal.?
Total B*llSh!t!
Well look at where that has gotten us…..
Today woman are so lost and so disconnected from their bodies.
We struggle with self confidence, self worth, deny our pleasures to accommodate everyone else.?
We count on outside sources to feel valued.
We burnout trying keep up with the male standards, to feel equal.
We struggle with our weight, because we stress to keep up with the trends and what is beautiful RIGHT NOW for validation.
Intimacy is more of a chore than a desire. Sex is for the man and sometimes we get an orgasm if we happen to be in the right mood.?
Our marriages fail because we expect our spouses to know exactly what we need & want but we don’t even know ourselves.?
What would it feel like to really embody who you are from your soul?
To have the confidence that turns heads when you walk through the door.
To express what turns you on without feeling awkward or weird.
To feel pleasure with out guilt.
To demand the attention and respect you truly deserves.
To deepen every single relationship you have.
To love and accept your body and have it work with you & not against you.
To have life happen for you not to you. Living life through a positive lens.?
To some of you this seems so far out of reach, but sis I am here to tell you it’s not that far.?
I know there are some of you that are reading this thinking……
Whatever I don’t even desire pleasure, I don’t want more sex, ect. (Add every excuse under the sun)
But you are also the first women to buy the book, Fifty Shades of Grey.
The first girl to binge watch Bridgerton, Sex in the city and sex life.?
The first one to criticize the sexy chick on instagram, secretly wishes you had that confidence.
You have just disconnected so far from your body you can't hear her screaming for love.
Every woman is born with 3 needs safety, belonging and love.
You deserve it, the way you want it…..not someone else’s way….period.
I want this for you, I want you to live the life you have dreamt of your whole life you deserve this not because of your accomplishments, but because YOU ARE YOU!?
How’s that feel?
DM me for more info.