Who's Hiring: Akima
When job hunting, focus on the details in job postings rather than getting hung up on vague titles. Those descriptions reveal the real scoop shares Parul Gupta , Vice President of Talent Acquisition for Akima . Akima, an Alaskan native corporation, offers diverse roles across 48 states and 12 countries, with a significant number of their employees being veterans. They prioritize community support and employee advancement and career growth.
“Don't apply to a job title, but apply to a job posting. Job titles may not be the best indicator of what the job entails. Job titles may be vague. They may be pulled off a certain library within the company that they use that's more generic, but a job description should be comprehensive. It will tell you exactly what it entails. And feel free to have a more conversational, comprehensive dialog with the recruiter during your pre-screen, during your initial interview, to objectively qualify if it's the right job for you or not.”