Who's fooling who?

Who's fooling who?

What’s the point in vaccinating the majority of the population if they still have little or no freedom of movement? What’s the point in having achieved herd immunity between those vaccinated and those who have already had the virus if we’re all still locked down or quarantined, made to wear masks and not allowed to go out to dinner or go to the theatre or go to a football match etc. etc. It’s crazy and nobody is being allowed to speak up.

Some political leader in Europe needs to step forward and show leadership and quickly. This continuous diet of “ we might open up “ we will open up “ “ we may not be able to open up “ “ we’ll have to lock down again if you don’t behave yourselves “ has become really tiresome.

From the outset, they kept saying “ we must follow the science “. Well, they ceased following the science themselves long ago. It has become pure political wrangling and scaremongering by the various mouthpieces that have been nominated by their individual governments.

Science tells us that lockdowns don’t work. It tells us that children are not at any real risk. It tells us that the virus is not transmitted by touching surfaces. It tells us that masks are ineffective because the virus penetrates the material irrespective. It tells us that social distancing has no material impact in terms of transmission. There is not one single scientific study, peer-reviewed or otherwise which evidences the effectiveness of lockdowns, social distancing or wearing masks. There is nothing that tells us that the measures adopted by governments all over the world have actually had any impact.

There are however a significant number of peer-reviewed scientific studies evidencing that lockdowns don’t work. In addition, you only have to reference Florida Vs New York, Texas Vs California, Sweden Vs Britain etc to evidence the poor performance of those who implemented extreme lockdowns Vs those who took a more measured approach.

Why have the real scientists been censored or marginalised? It can only be because the desk jockeys who pose as health spokespeople are so invested in the WHO, the UN, The pharma companies and their employer governments that they are afraid of what the real scientists have to say. Too many scientists themselves depend on government funding for their research and are therefore compromised.

People only try to silence others if they fear what they have to say. Equally, people only fear what others have to say if they think it may undermine their own position. They only feel that they will be undermined if their position is already unsustainable or concealing ulterior motives. Why were medical doctors and scientists who disagreed with the strategies being adopted taken down off Youtube on a regular basis? What were they afraid of?

Why have the mainstream media constantly defended government policy never questioning their spokespeople? In fact, they have actively defended them whenever any counterargument was attempted to be put forward hence there has been no significant public debate. Surely the media’s job is to question and challenge the authorities on behalf of ordinary folk. I thought it was only in Russia and China where the media acted as the voice of their rulers. Clearly not.

Why were Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin rubbished by the politicians, the media, and health spokespeople without so much as a second glance? Clearly, they didn’t know what they were talking about because both have recently been acknowledged as being very effective in treating the symptoms of Covid-19. Could it be that these drugs were already on the market and because they were out of patent were available quite cheaply?

Oh, don’t be a conspiracy theorist I hear some of you say. Do you honestly think things like that don’t happen? After all the facts are the facts. They were rubbished by the establishment originally and now they are fine. Do you think it’s just some unfortunate misunderstanding? Please!

Between lack of leadership, poor management and concealed agendas we have been led a merry dance. Most people will refuse to accept this partially because none of us like to be conned but also because it makes us seem cynical. We’d rather think well of our leaders and if people haven’t been exposed to this kind of dishonesty they’d prefer not to think the world was like that.

Weak well-intentioned people can be the most destructive of all. If you deal with a crook, he generally knows he’s a crook and you know he’s a crook. Everybody knows where they stand. If however, you deal with people who are weak and ineffectual they generally see themselves as being really good. If you compound that that by you think he or she has good intentions all that you get is two people fooling themselves, neither of whom has any real idea what’s going on. In the background, there is usually any number of much more ruthless individuals waiting to pull their strings.

When it comes to power and money this circumstance is all too common. We have to entrust power to others in order for society to function. However, when organisations become too powerful they ultimately destroy things. Big Tech, Pharma, the WHO and the UN all come to mind. Organisations need refreshing and repopulating if they are to stay healthy. If the lines between these institutions, governments and big business become blurred it’s always going to be unhealthy. They become self-serving to the detriment of all those whom they touch. This is also true of financial institutions and many of today’s corporations who have become too dominant in their respective markets. Another subject for another day but relevant.

Back to the issue at hand. The health risk to the population at large has receded to the point where any further delay by the government in opening up society just doesn’t stand scrutiny. It is merely an exercise in obfuscation that ensures that people hold onto the fear that has driven everything over the last 18 months.

Between those who have had the virus and those who have been vaccinated the level of immunity in society is sufficient to ensure that the health risks have been reduced to a level that should allow society to be fully opened up.

Whatever the differing opinions as to the merit of previous lockdowns there is no case for continuing them at any level going forward. Health services are not being stretched. Whilst cases are fluctuating it is not impacting ICU beds and the number of deaths. The ability to treat the symptoms has also improved.

The problem as I see it is that the government has got used to controlling the masses. This allows them to exaggerate in their own importance. They actually believe that they need to impose an increasing number and level of controls and that by doing so they will have the answers that we mere mortals can’t imagine for ourselves. This is otherwise known as a god complex or believing their own press.

Excessive control only serves to destroy the capacity of people to look after themselves, destroys their initiative and turns them into zombie-like dependents. This then encourages further control mechanisms which only makes the situation worse and ends up destroying the very thing it set out to preserve.

?It now requires the courage of leadership by one individual who is prepared to turn off the fear tap and is prepared to be judged by it.

Over the last 18 months, we have torn society apart and destroyed its foundations. Politicians seem to think that they can merely throw a switch on everybody’s back and things will continue where they left off 18 months ago. In this they are either na?ve or else they have an ulterior motive.

Literally, everything from schools, businesses, sporting activities, the theatre, family interactions have been destroyed many never recover. This is apart from the medical and financial consequences on people. Cancer, mental health, suicides, bankruptcies etc. have all taken a back seat the consequences of which will only manifest themselves in the coming years.

To destroy so many elements of society with scant regard for the consequences which is what they have done is unforgivable. They of course would deny this. They have paid lip service to the ramifications of their policies but their actions based on poor science or indeed no science speak much more clearly to the matter than their hollow words.

From the outset, politicians have been so afraid of being accused of causing even one death that they have acted like a deer caught in the proverbial headlights. Instead of facing up to the problem and addressing the challenges, they chickened out through fear. They have since then projected that fear onto the public and reinforced it at every opportunity. In other words, instead of showing leadership, they went on the run and they have been running ever since.

Is there anyone amongst them who is prepared to stand up and show leadership. Have all politicians become wet and weak? Leadership is not about telling people what they want to hear. It’s about finding solutions and having a vision which will then require the ability to convince those around you to support you even if they are unconvinced. It’s about making hard decisions, not conducting polls to find out what you think. It’s about having conviction and being prepared to be wrong. It’s about accepting if you’re wrong but still being prepared to give leadership to fix it.

It’s about having sound judgement which is based on doing the right thing for everybody without thinking you’re infallible but understanding that ultimately your responsibility is to find the right solution, not to be right.

To continue this exercise in futility any further is ludicrous. In America, President Biden hardly knows what day of the week it is. In Britain Boris Johnston worries me when he talks about “ rebuilding back better “. Imagine asking him what that means.??His minister for health said the other day that he was looking forward to people who were fully vaccinated not having to quarantine. He’s the minister for health for god sake! Make a decision you muppet. In Ireland, Michael Martin may think he’s leading the country but in fact, he’s merely a spokesman for the health authority. I’d say he couldn’t remember when he last had a single thought all of his own.

These are the people we are entrusting the future of our world too. We put them there and we also don’t like to be wrong. Maybe it all starts with us accepting that we have been wrong. If we can face up to that it’s a good start in getting the politicians to face up to it.

Leaders are hard to find. Leadership is lonely and seldom are you loved. The more questioning and demanding we are the better chance we have of unearthing real leaders, not just people who want the title and the trappings that go with it. It starts with us.

Niall D. Fenton

Major Account Executive at Cars.com

3 年

Interesting article written with a “hurler on the ditch” perspective. It’s easy, with the significant benefit of hindsight, to criticize what has already been done. However, such criticism quickly descends into a dirge of “everything is wrong”, “everyone’s an idiot” and “every action is self serving” — lots of noise with no real substance. I think it’s far more constructive to come up with solutions rather than railing against all that has been done with carefully selected statistics and studies —- as examples, no mention of the vast majority of medical opinions that masking DOES work or that Hydroxychloroquine DOES NOT work. One can find minority studies that claim the earth is flat but that certainly doesn’t make them right. So, Mr. Rafferty, what would you do, what would you have done? Move from the problem into the solution and from a negative state of mind into a positive one. Ranting won’t solve the problem but good ideas might.....


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