Whopper Neutrality? Get in the Fast Lane!
If you are in marketing and into social issues, it is important that you see this video on how Burger King explains net neutrality.
The fast-food giant who is known for the slogan "have it your way" is now letting you know that when it comes to net neutrality, you can still have it your way...if you are willing to pay just a LOT more for it. While the video is humorous in nature, there is a lesson to be learned in the ridiculousness of it all.
The commercial opens with unsuspecting customers ordering their Whopper sandwiches for lunch when suddenly, it takes a dramatic turn. Customers are asked whether they would prefer their burgers faster and if so, they must pay extra for that faster service. Their sandwich is ready and sitting on the warmer or right in the cashier's hand, but it will stay behind the counter until you either:
A) Wait for it to be handed to you (aka loading speed) or...
B) you pay extra for the hyperfast speed, which is no wait time at all. For that, however, you will pay $25.99 for your Whopper.
Then we get to watch the games begin as the (again) unsuspecting customers do nothing short of losing their minds. A lot of puzzled looks, some expletives (bleeped out) and a few hungry patrons who got downright angry. When they were let in on the joke, there were sighs of relief but more importantly, people who didn't understand the effect of repealing net neutrality finally got it...and in a whopper of a way!
Now, obviously, this is all satire to explain how the notion of repealing net neutrality is completely unfair. From a marketing perspective, the video is a stroke of genius. It's a commercial every advertising company dreams of creating. It's hilarious while touching on an important social issue in a non-threatening manner. From an education standpoint, it absolutely does the trick in helping the uninformed understand how the repeal of net neutrality will affect their lives down the road.
And, it's going viral, moving faster than an empty drive-thru on a Tuesday night.
Burger King has a way of creating unforgettable marketing. (Anyone remember the "Subservient Chicken" campaign from 2004? I'm still having nightmares!) or their famous "Have It Your Way" jingle?
"hold the pickles, hold the lettuce. special orders don't upset us..."
(If you're over forty years old, you know you are singing that in your head right now.)
The point is, BK knows how to get into our brains and have been doing so for decades. When we utilize marketing for multiple purposes ie: One large product endorsement, a medium size humor and a side salad of social justice, we are educating while not shoving our views and values down the throats of the consumer. We are merely giving them that "A-ha" moment. Doesn't matter if you like Burger King or not. Doesn't matter if you prefer the Big Mac over the Whopper.
What matters is the customer is paying attention to your product, having a laugh along the way, all while getting the concept of what is happening in the world around them.
And that, my fellow marketers, is a whole lot of genius...like dipping your onion rings into your chocolate shake. (No? Just me? Okay.)
But please, let's leave the Subservient Chicken on ice. I haven't been able to eat a grilled chicken sandwich since 2004.
(Is he still looking at me? Please tell him to stop looking at me...)