Whom you should thank for #myCOVID-19response

Whom you should thank for #myCOVID-19response

Hi Stella (not her real name) 

When you thanked me today, sharing this story was initially just a fleeting thought. And I hesitated to share it. Really, I did, believe-you-me. I did. Anyway, I overcame the urge by asking myself, if this story sits well with you, [or even just one more person], then perhaps we shall – go further together – and will have succeeded 

…… take it away ….. will you?

Yes, it began a few moons ago, when I was a “student," and please don’t mistake me I’m still a student ~ I learn, daily! I was traveling, and happened to come across a man, a total stranger, who after helping "me-out-of-a-dire situation". Of course, I undoubtedly wished to ~ profoundly ~ thank him. But he would have nothing of my noble intentions. Calmly he turned, looking up from the open newspaper before him, and slowly shifting his gaze towards me, and looked me directly in the eye. I felt his warm, almost welcoming eyes and then.

"Son," he said. "The next time you have an opportunity to help someone, that will be the opportunity to thank me" He added.

I stood there stunned! Yes, shell shocked! … just like that? …. a total stranger?.......helps me and expects not even a thank you in return?

 You can only imagine how I felt as I walked away. Yes, I was a very changed person. That story is as fresh today, as it was, moons ago on that platform of the railway station whose real name means a junction of two rivers. 

Enough for today but …. this perhaps explains the drive ~ #myCOVID-19response ~ has presented me, the grace to be alive and continue giving back. Thanking that “old man” ….. always ……. and every day. 

….."The next time you have an opportunity to help someone, that will be the opportunity to thank me" 

Peter Ouma

HR I Specialist


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