Whom We Aspire to Be Like at Forever Flight and Why They Inspire Us to Do Better
Forever Flight Worldwide
Saving Airports Money while Reducing Emissions Now! [email protected]
There are tendencies in American culture to idolize the ultra wealthy which is weird and damaging to our culture. The Forever Flight Worldwide leadership team aspires to be the leaders of the future with a greater sense of responsibility towards the natural environment.
Ryan Wilkoff, our founder, was asked early on why you are doing this and who was your inspiration. After working for awhile, I have narrowed my picks to Thomas Sankara, The Crocodile Hunter, Jane Goodall, Yvon Chuinard, LeBron James, and Jalen Hurts.
Thomas Sankara worked hard to create a more equal society and was dedicated towards the reforestation of his old country.
The Crocodile Hunter respected nature and connected my sister and I with new animals across the world growing up. I was inspired by his compassion, guts, and dedication towards a safe connection with the natural environment.
Jane Goodall is extremely intelligent and was overlooked in her early career. Her passion led her through initial failures, and led a movement to respect animals as intelligent creatures.
Yvon Chuinard led his company through a series of ups and downs and continues to set an example as a world leader in environmental repair. His model of donating profits towards environmental rebuilding is something we will copy.
LeBron James and Jalen Hurts inspire me to be great through their dedication and class. Both are amazing examples of what can happen if you stick to being a good person. They work very hard on all aspects of their lives, and Jalen Hurts’ entire team is managed by women.
It is important for our company’s leadership to act like these people, and not like the monopolists of the past who hoard money and forget to share.