'Be Wholed'
A personal interpretation of Lee Nicol’s ‘Entering Bohm’s Holoflux’ by Paul Mooney | An Maonaigh
In being my whole self each Friday for the last few months with a group of ‘hu-mane relatives’ whom I have not met in person, I have come to re-learn to begin all connections that are gifted to me from a sense of us being whole.
In calling on whole, I include many selves groups and clans to which I feel a belonging, as well as calling in selves groups and clans to which I may not seem to belong, yet which are whole.
I feel the group renew each week.
Last week we stopped each other from speaking for the first time. We got beneath the political correctness. Some may have heard the request as love. Some may have felt it as non-love. Wholeness includes both. I heard a new phrase in another circle; we had a happy ‘Anding’
Or did we?
Once the renewal was over, and the zoom call vanished, so did its form. I wrote an annal, so some of the dialogue is recorded in some of my own channeled words, yet the qualia of the session is recorded in each of our individual and collective memories. As Bohm wrote, we are the Indellective.
I have come to REAL EYES that we are internally connected to the whole. Whole includes all matter in cosmos, which on earth includes rocks, water, air, animals, peoples, trees, plants, insects, birds, fish, fauna, soil, chemistry, biology, geology and all of our magical mycelium of our most recent 300,000 years of thoughts.
Within this mycelium, we are blessed with teacher plants with billions of years of wisdom to share with us, if only we would take the medicine.
I have come to feel consciousness as a self-referencing loop. I discovered that it is not my ego at fault for my many reactions; it is my ID. My ID is so sneaky, that it blames my ego, and the collective consciousness has fallen for the trick. It seems to me that other ID’s do the same thing and don’t want to be found out. It’s an individual thing!
The word individual is an oxymoron. If dividual means divided, then in-dividual is undivided, yet we mostly understand the word to mean separate. English language is a language of deception. These days, I use the word ‘undividual’ to wake me up to what I mean.
Mean is the word for average, so does that mean what I average? Mean is the word for cruel, so does that mean do I cruel?
When I utter the spell unvididual, I call on manifesting of the cosmos, representing whole permeable matter so that the light can get through. I use the word as my own idiosyrancy, my own private mixture of magical spells.
I REAL EYES that it is the SOUND of the word that lands in the guts of some people who hear the sound. Not everyone, just some. Some people do not even know what I said. Some people hear what I said yet they replace it with their own word.
I often ask people to repeat what they said. Mostly, they say something else with totally different words which changes the frequency of their communication.
Lee Nicol introduces the spell of the Harlequin to refer to a wild an unscrupulous servant to thought. My harlequin has begun to notice the difference between toughting/felting and thinking/feeling.
In the eternal process of thinking and talking, my thoughts and felts become husks that were once a flowing movement of consciousness/love in motion. A word becomes a dead thing. A felt becomes a dead thing.
Sometimes, my words pretend they are active and factual, yet they are just husks of thoughts and felts. I re-present other people’s thoughts and I get the facts wrong. Recently I was told that Jimmy Hendrix played a five string guitar. Someone had heard a Ted talk and when I listened to the Ted talk, the ‘pre-senter’ said a six-string guitar.
Now it is true that Jimmy broke a string on stage one time and kept playing, so there is a grain of truth in it. So yes, Hendrix played a five-string guitar and he played a six string guitar. Hendrix is whole any way he plays .
We am a frog in the water. In a constellation recently, the group was offered a poem asking, ‘what did we do, once we knew’. Everyone in this group knows now, so what are we doing, so how are we evolving? We are a frog in warming water.
We are not only human beings. We are humans being.
I recognise a few second person identities within myself. My hu-man body sack contains many self-images; Druid, Son, Father, Grandfather, Friend, Enemy, Asshole, Rager, Singer, Listener, Speaker...
Some of these self-ID-entities (get it?) feel they are a necessity while others feel they are a contingency. I notice my ubiquitous incoherence, which invites my cosmic coherence. Yet underneath, is a collective default of 300,000 years of human thought husks that show up as culture and civilisation.
When I participate, am I in some sense only ‘part’. How do I ‘whole’ icipate? My intentions unspool through language that will be misunderstood instantly. Yet I have seen that one word can release a group from the grip of thought and bring them into the rapture of cosmic consciousness and Love.
I have been shown every letter that was ever written or ever will be written. I have been shown every number that ever was written or ever will be written. I have been taught that if any word or letter is written without love, that it all adds up to nothing. When any word or number if written in Love, it all adds up to One, We are All One!
Every time I now meet any other being outside my own body, I tune in to its wisdom and I become holoflux, whole and cosmic at One. I embody As Above, So Below.
Dialogue is always a work in progress. I join Dialogue groups from time to time and as soon as they speak ABOUT dialogue, by not actually Dialoguing, I leave the group. I have been here for 5,524 years and I only have 4,000 years to do one thing, so I have no presence to waste on talking about.
When I come back to my undividual body, I sidestep my own conceptual entrapment. I choose entanglement. Usually, I have to feel discomfort, usually in my stomach, and often in my chest. If I ignore the feels in my body, I am skimming the topic.
I dissolve my self-images and I leap into the language with my rage and sadness and compassion and fury. I tell people I have been raped so I do not speak ‘about’ rape. I speak from one who was raped.
The natural beauty of my felt experience becomes a pulse of rhythm and movement. The others in the circle who have also been raped know what I mean. The rapists in the group also know what I mean.
The innocents do not have to know what I mean. They are spared for some other magical incantations, hidden in their cells and DNA for their own magical healing spell.
I understand that holoflux is not a movement from place to place. It is an omniplace, permanently connected, needing no signal to be in constant communion with One Self.
The ‘idea’ of holoflux is included within ‘holoflux’. Idea and experience are one. We cannot travel to it. We ARE it. We are these lights, sounds, neutrons, neurons, electrons, atoms, bio-chemicals, thoughts, feelings, desires, fears, wills.
Our husks of thoughts and felts have detached us from our essence. We are a flowing quality of wholeness who have come to ‘thought’ and ‘felt’ that I are separate.
When we point a mirror to a mirror, we see who we are. Benign and intelligent. Intelligent amazement. Trickster. Mesmerised. Image. Transference. Displayed Self Image. Cultural Impression. Colluder. Impersonator. Hyper immersed being. Social Dilemma and speller of narcissus.
Any type of somatic practice breaks the spell. A single breath. A touch on the skin. A smell on the nose. A taste on the tongue. A word in a foreign language. The etymology of a word. A sound.
We become rheosoma – a flowing body once again. We are vortex and eddy rather than pool of stagnancies.
By pro-prio-cepting, we intero-cept our thoughts and felts with feelings and thinks. We deteriorate the deceit of the english language and other European colonisations. Those tribes got into our colons; they climbed right up our back passage and parasited themselves on our land to this day. Now they colonise our thoughts and felts in our bodies. Divide and conquer.
Wakey Wakey!
And yet, colonisers and colonised are intermingled and intertwingled. We may have to keep doing this until we have enough love to be whole. We may have to sense in through life, self-movement, balance, temperature, healing, language and thought if we are to become whole, even if we as partial are still whole
We become rheosomatic intelligences who can begin any contact outside our body from a sense of wholeness. We become one flowing body. We do not have to say a word. Just be whole. We do not have to lead a meditation or to ring a bell or tone in Swahili. Just be whole. We do not have to call on the ancestors. We ARE the ancestors.
By doing this, we trip the trickster circuit. We go beneath our self-images. We use the reflex to heal ourselves in that moment. By the way, a moment is ninety seconds.
We dissolve thoughts and felts of sorrow and joy by thinking and feeling joy and sorrow. We dissolve the bio-electrical nature of our own hardened assumptions. We can still feel sorrow and joy in the now by dissolving the joy and sorrow from a previous now that got stuck which informs our bias and filters for our thinking and language.
Our old joy and sorrow block us from feeling joy and sorrow in the now. Reading about our joy and sorrow blocks us from feeling joy and sorrow in the now. Telling a story about someone else’s joy and sorrow stops us from feeling joy and sorrow in the now.
This is why one of us asked the other to stop. They were talking about people who were not in the group. We could have asked the speaker ‘do these people live in your heart’, but we did not. We asked them to stop talking. Perhaps our own bias and filters were screaming.
We othered the other for othering.
#Messy Humans (thanks Donna Nelham).
Lee Nivol points to Ekharte Tolle’s use of the word ‘painbody’ which points to an accumulation of all sorrow on this planet as our cultural inheritance.
And at the same time, all my channelings with Nature Guides tell me that we are made from Love and that we are Love and that we as a species have passed the no-return point of loving all that is non-love.
Blood to blood. Bone to bone. Sinew to Sinew, we are Gaians evolving. Our journey is from ID through EGO to SUPEREGO; from Ego to Wego as Bohm wrote.
Our thoughts and felts are being used as training for machines to teach us how to discern other people’s thoughts.
Read the fine print... AI hallucinates. If we are going to be led by hallucinations, at least let them be held in a sacred space with elders and medicine and a cosmunity of healing as the backbone of our sensations.
We are our own trans-formation.
We are our own trans-cendance.
We can stop being trans anything.
We are formation.
We are cendance.
We Be Whole
We Bewholed!
An Maonaigh
Kansas City Missuori
June 18th 5524 td (Tuatha dé)
Sr. Fellow at CEPL, Principal at CAIPP, (Fellow at The RSA)
7 个月My attention finally landed on your article two weeks after meeting in person. Your attention and play with language is extraordinary. Curiously, had I read it beforehand, part of my brain—or perhaps more accurately "my heart-mind"—would likely have recoiled, conjuring a familiar set of predictable suspicions. No doubt how I (and thus our group?) "beheld Holoflux" might have unfolded entirely differently. I am grateful for the privilege of being Present with and inter-beholding together. So instead, shared presence opened up new possibilities and a novel, less familiar set of shadows: Most Within mySelf and projected outward Some shadows arising Between or Beyond It is both beautiful and difficult to be with one's Self, others and the world. May everything about our journeys serve to further awaken to Life Within, Between, and Beyond.
Coaching from the Source
9 个月Paul, your writing feels like a river flowing by, no beginning, no end and nothing to get a hold of. Yet I found a pearl that resonated strongly: We become rheosomatic intelligences who can begin any contact outside our body from a sense of wholeness. We become one flowing body. We do not have to say a word. Just be whole. We do not have to lead a meditation or to ring a bell or tone in Swahili. Just be whole. We do not have to call on the ancestors. We ARE the ancestors.