A Whole World of Potential.
For me, words are living organisms.?
They grip and shrink, repress and repel, lacerate and imprison.? They also grow and enliven, nourish and care, explore, and discover.?
Imagining words as living organisms is helpful. Asking: What will my words create; what reality can I speak into being through them??allows us a moment to gather out thoughts and set our intentions - a conscious choice about the quality of life we can give to the words we are about to speak.?
Spoken with care and intention, our words have the power to shape hearts and minds, the strength to remove boundaries and the energy to inspire greatness… in ourselves and others.
One of my most favourite words is yes.? I imagine it in the same way the poet e.e. cummings saw it: full of possibility, hope and a sense of adventure. 'Yes' is a launch into new territories of being and doing.
It is the answer to a universe of questions, and it can be delivered in many different ways, both spoken and unspoken. It is my favourite word because it speaks to potential; both our own and that of others.
On a recent episode of BBC Radio 4's 'How to Spot Potential', a teacher from The Royal Birmingham Conservatoire explained that musical ability is universal. The renowned music school believes that all pupils have ability. Teachers at the Conservatoire play the role of guide, helping students discover how to unlock the potential that lies within in a way that works best for them. This is achieved in any number of ways, from writing and composing music, to playing, listening, collaborating... even creating new forms of expression.
Listening to this confirmed a belief I have long held: confidence, presence and the capacity to inspire are abilities anyone can hone through personalised, meaningful practice.
Learning is not a one-size-fits-all practice.
Moving past this bias begins with 'yes'.
Yes to holding time and space for someone so that they feel seen, heard and recognised.
Yes to agreeing to a partnership where you guide others to achieve their best, and they guide you in turn.
Yes to exploring what is possible.
Yes to taking a leap of faith and learning with the courage to try new, untested methods.
Yes to failing without guilt, shame and regret.
Yes to letting go of fixed outcomes.
Yes to all that lies within...