The whole truth behind your hair change
Psychiatrist and writer Fran?oise Millet-Bartoli gives us a report on the real reasons and you will not be surprised to know that the need to seduce and please are the most important. Some of us like to change hair color frequently; others keep their natural hue. For Fran?oise Millet-Bartolli, the care we give to our hair is never trivial. Women opt for hair coloring to seduce and please.
A new hair color to seduce and please
There is a whole symbol of the hair, its length, its texture and of course, its color. We are always strongly influenced, marked by the connotation of the color that we wear naturally. Although it is not possible to establish a general rule, we are more likely to associate the blond with our childhood, with our family history, while the brown one has rather a more piquant, more seductive connotation. If the natural color is important, the one we choose in an act of coloring is very significant, because it follows a decision taken, conscious.
Read this : blondes girls prefer hair color Strawberry blond
By radically changing the color, what message are we trying to convey?
The desire for a strong change, whether in the cut or in the color, is often linked to important moments of our life. Difficulty, mourning, separation, shock, professional or personal change of course: these events are often at the origin of this metamorphosis. It is a way to give us the strength to start from scratch, with a personality that we want better armed to face life, in any case, different. Radical color changes are often a way to find ourselves, to be more in tune with ourselves. We keep this new head, abandoning the old to our life "before".
Some also see in the change of color a way to shock, to stand out, to announce a disagreement, a deep desire to challenge. This is often the case for adolescents in full mutation who grant themselves the language of the hair to speak better of themselves. There it is a course, a transition that ends in something else generally more peaceful and wise.
What is a regular change of color about us?
To swap one's head for another, a style for another may constitute, in some of us, a rite of passage. For others, color as the cut, are accessories. Those who change constantly, go from brown to red, from red to blond, respond to another psychological process. It is a quest for a new self-image, that one seeks without sometimes never finding it. These women are often in search of a certain stability in their identity, which requires before that they test it, that they put it to the test. This goes through the body and the hair in particular. It is a narcissistic approach that is not without revealing a certain fragility.
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What does hair coloring bring in our relationship to others?
A new hair color is above all between oneself and oneself. We are facing our mirror, at home or at the hairdresser if we preferred to trust him. Then, coming out of the living room or pushing the door of the house, we are facing each other's eyes. The eyes of the other then constitute a true mirror of oneself. It can be a source of pain if that person does not notice a change that we have just wanted remarkable.
We run the risk of feeling absent, non-existent, unrecognized. A new cut, a new color usually go together. They aim to make us more comfortable with our bodies, but offer a pole to those who are watching us. One wants to please oneself, but also to seduce or, in any case, to induce a different look on oneself, whether in seduction or in protest.
When the result is not the expected one, the coloring can thus weaken the image of oneself?
Absolutely, we can not at all recognize ourselves when the change has been too radical. In these cases, a feeling of depersonalization may appear, as it may be the case following an intervention of cosmetic surgery. The advantage of coloring is that it is always reversible. However, it should be kept in mind that among women who like to change color regularly, this gesture can be something fun but also very scary. It is never without impact on the image we have of ourselves.
What does this slight change of hair color mean to you?o
There is always, in this type of coloration, a seduction process. The question that must be asked is "who are we trying to seduce?" : do we try to seduce ourselves, to please ourselves? Do we want to seduce others? Each of us has our own answer.
Women are leaning more and more for natural tints, are we more in tune with ourselves than before?
Whether it's makeup, coloring, or even cosmetic surgery, we now tend to return to nature. Today, any intervention that is about beauty must be seen as little as possible. And this trend is also observed in our food, our wardrobe ... We are no longer in the sophistication of the 1990s.
On the contrary, we want to be more authentic, more in tune with ourselves. We are not necessarily more comfortable with our image than before, but we seek to be. It is in tune with the times.
Are women who assume their white hair the culmination of this quest for authenticity?
Some women wearing their white hair are in real harmony with their image. Staying natural is often a choice. But, we must not forget that some retain their white hair - or their original color for that matter - because they may have some fear of the changes caused by coloring. Changing your hair color often involves a change in the way you dress, behave ... We are not all ready to take on these upheavals.
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Finally, this desire for naturalness is sometimes simply a lack of interest in what concerns the physical aspect. In some women, aesthetics is not the priority. They want to seduce by other weapons than their physical, their intellect, for example.
Keeping your hair white, or even maintain them is a sign of self-assertion, even claim?
Accepting the time that passes may first of all be aesthetic, especially for women who maintain their white hair. These women take care of themselves and take care of themselves. They can thus be in this double approach of seduction - of oneself and others - of which we spoke previously.
But in some cases, assuming her white hair can indeed also be a sign of protest. Some stop dying their hair around 50-60 years, or even younger sometimes. They then crossed a new stage of maturation in self-acceptance. By assuming their white hair, they free themselves from the eyes of others to live fully.