Whole Genome Screening: The principles to ensure its true potential is fulfilled

Whole Genome Screening: The principles to ensure its true potential is fulfilled

Whole Genome Screening is the process of looking at your entire genome (all of your genetic information). The London Genetics Centre have been running Whole Genome Screening for the past few years and recognise its potential in preventive medicine. In order to fulfil its potential and ensure the highest quality of patient care, the following principles are being implemented by the practice:

1. Accuracy of tests should be of the highest level

At The London Genetics Centre, Whole Genome Screening is being done at what is called ‘thirty-times depth’. In addition, we are doubling up by doing Whole Exome Sequencing for 84 cancer genes and 81 cardiac genes. The reason for double checking the work in this way is that we are keen to minimise the risk of missing any genetic changes. Having a result duplicated and corroborated by a different technique is usually recommended before any clinical action is taken.

2. Actionable genes should only be reported in healthy screening

In the healthy population we believe only in testing for actionable genes; i.e. those that would be beneficial to know about – so that you can do something constructively with that knowledge and reduce the potential health risks they may engender.

We do not test for conditions such as dementia or Parkinson’s disease. At The London Genetics Centre, we believe the psychological impact of finding a high-risk gene change related to these conditions could be significant, and we are currently without enough ability to change the potential course of these conditions with interventions, so we do not consider them as actionable.

 3. No genetic testing in isolation

Doing genetic testing in isolation is just like having one piece of a jigsaw puzzle. By involving a medical professional who has full knowledge of that persons past medical history, their family history, and their current issues and concerns, you can gain the benefits of having the full picture.

4. Consultant Geneticists relay the results

At The London Genetics Centre, all patients who undertake our Whole Genome Screening will be seen by one of our Consultant Geneticists for a results consultation. Professor Ros Eeles, Dr Lucy Side, Dr Gabriella Pichert and Dr Tessa Homfray comprise our consultant team, each bringing their exceptional knowledge and expertise to bi-weekly multi-disciplinary team meetings to discuss results and make the best medical recommendations for our patients.

5. Informed consenting

All Whole Genome Screening patients at The London Genetics Centre have a pre-test counselling consultation with Catrina Williams, our Genetic Counsellor. This ensures every patient has a full understanding of the benefits and limitations of testing and the potential implications of results for themselves and their wider family.

Visit https://thelondongeneticscentre.com/


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