Whole Food Plant-Based Diet, Why not?
I chose to be Plant-Based and I am grateful I did, it was a choice, I was not forced to be, was not told to be, I was not obliged to, it was not an illness that made me so, it was my decision 100% and was my call, I am convinced and a believer that WFPB diet is the cure for any disease, I am a certified Plant-Based educator and in this article I will let you understand more about living on Whole Food Plant-Based Diet.
It happened all by coincidence, I attended two awareness lectures about Plant-Based living at my new work and those sentences were shocking " Dairy Triggers Inflammation", "Eating meat on daily basis increases the risk of heart disease", it was the first time for me to know that all dairy products have an inflammatory reaction to your body, so it does not matter if the dairy is skimmed, the cheese is light or low cal., it also means non-sense that dairy is light or no fat as all dairy products are full of fat, so if we think about people who have cholesterol, cancer or any condition that is related to inflammation, they should all stop the dairy products, not only that but have you thought of why are we consuming the cow's baby's milk? all the other species stop breast feeding after a certain amount of time but why do humans feed on the cow's baby's milk all their life, never mind, have you ever thought of the effect of hormones and machines on the cow's milk that we consume to induce all year milk?
This was a hint about only the dairy products and how do they affect our bodies, if you think logically we are consuming a lot of processed food, refined sugar and fat nowadays, we are the marketing and food lobbying victims and our excuse is the fast paced life, we are living and eating subconsciously.
Living on a Plant-Based diet let you eat consciously, thinking of the ingredients of each product , reducing processed food, eating more vegetables and fruits, living with the concept of Wholism, where you eat all the needed nutrients from whole grains, vegetables and fruits.
I understand that there a lot of myths about the protein intake when you become Plant-Based, but you can get all your protein from legumes, vegetables and fruits as we don't need more than 0.8 of protein per day per kilogram., the only take on Plant-Based diet that you need to take Vitamin B supplement.
"So do you eat Salad all the time?" No, I eat everything you eat, except the animal protein that comes with each meal so I try to include a bigger portion of cooked vegetables and carbs to make me feel full, I eat brown pasta, brown rice, whole wheat bread, all types of cooked vegetables with low fat and no animal broth, it makes me feel lighter, have more energy and it makes me stay full for a longer time.
Why did I continue ? as I just mentioned, it makes you lighter, more full, the mood swings has relatively stopped, I became more energetic, the pains all over my body has stopped.
If you want to try the effect of cutting off animal protein, it will be obvious for you to stop the animal products and sugar if you have any recent injury, you will notice how fast will the healing process be, also the pain reduction and inflammation reaction.
To summarize what I am trying to say eat consciously, think before you buy or consume food, you don't have to quit all the things you love and eat but stay aware of their effect on your body, stay conscious, reduce the amounts you take per meal or just make them once per day, you can still live 80% WFPB - 20% animal protein.
A typical day of a person on WFPB starts with :
Any type of fruits
Oat meal with a milk replacement
A whole wheat bread sandwich with a vegan spread (olives paste, hummus, beans)
All types of carbs and vegetables
Brown pasta with cooked vegetables
Potatoes in the oven
Brown rice and salad
Dinner can be as breakfast