Whoa! Didn’t see that coming.
Hugh Tafel
Business Coach | I help aspiring & established business coaches close all the high-ticket clients they can handle in less than 90 days via our proven turnkey system | Free 12 min Video Explains How ??
Puerto Escondido, Mexico –?“Ah; honey…they aren’t wearing any clothes!”?
Can’t read the full email –?click here?for the online version.
I hope you are taking a minute to remember today, for all those who risked and lost their lives protecting the?freedoms?and way of life, that made America and much of the world, as rich and healthy as it is today. I fear that too many have forgotten what made us “great”.?
And, while many may not agree to the sight we saw last weekend, in a cool place called?Zipolete, it is exactly, this kind of freedom, of expression, of differences in opinion and the sanctity of your own body; its labour and the purchases you make with that labour – what those men and women fought to protect.?
What am I talking about?
Well, an acquaintance of ours offered to take us on an excursion to a few cool, small “pueblo magicas” an hour or so up the coast from where we are currently hanging out.
And cool they were.
Tiny little streets. Thatched roofs. Beautiful sand beaches. Independent shops and restaurants. Young, athletic tourists.
And a public nude beach.
Pretty sure my dad would have frowned at that one. Well, maybe not the young females but….?
This place Zipolete – has a beach at least 2 km in length. And it is pretty flat – meaning it is easy to walk on. Too many beaches have really steep angles – which, while beautiful, make them awkward to stroll on. Gets tough on the old ankles, knees and hips.
The land is also relatively flat behind the beach thus allowing a small-town center to exist, with a street or two closed to vehicular traffic.
Plus, the area gets some pretty decent waves, making it attractive to?surfers?and boogie borders.?
All very nice.
But what has any of this to do with business, I know you are asking…
Quite a bit actually.
This area has become very attractive to the young, “zoom” boom, digital nomad type, who sees him/herself, as a bohemian self-made person. One who is prepared to pay substantial sums for a small apartment, close to the sea, with tropical temperatures year-round.
Now this kind of boom attracts a lot of other business.
Think cement. Wood. Builders. Food delivery and preparation. Transportation. Electricity. Water (it’s a big issue in this particular area). Sewage.?
So, we have?all industries?at play from construction to tourism.?
Is it sustainable? And I mean that in an economic way, not ecological?
Tough to say. But I can tell you, that if we (in?United States and Canada?specifically) continue to elect politicians that are prepared to take even more?from the productive, (that’s you by the way) and?give to the unproductive?and do most of it with borrowed or printed money (current method), then more productive people, are going to continue to move to locations like this.
What does that mean for your local business?
The real possibility that you will find it more and?more difficult?to grow your business via increasing your customer base. Read “sales”.
What can you do to protect yourself?
One critical thing.
Figure out how to?sell more, to your?existing?customers, clients, patients. And make sure you have excellent margins on this.
Which is why, coming soon, I will be offering a?“flash”?sale on my best stuff.?
Stay tuned!
Until next week,
Stay healthy and focus on profit!?
- Hugh?
The “Profit Accelerator” Expert
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