Who Is Your ValenWHY?
James Owens, CDS
Insights on SAFETY, Personal Growth, Leadership, CDL & FMCSA Compliance, Employee Wellness, Natural Gas, OSHA Compliance & Facilitation! Creating discussions for awareness in 8 areas. No niche here, just trying to help!
You should know what day it is.? If you don’t, you may be in trouble.? Regardless of if you are buying something for someone or receiving something from someone…? It is ValenWHYs day.? We know it comes the end of the second week every February.? We all celebrate it right?? A quick call to Uncle Google will tell us that globally there is 250 Million flowers purchased for today, and 58 million pounds of chocolate purchased to show someone how much we care.? Ok.? Ok..? I know it’s a pun, however it really helps us understand WHY we are doing what we do.? How do you show someone you care (if you didn’t purchase flowers or chocolate) and WHY they are your ValenWHY?? Let’s take a look….
W-Who ???????????????????????????????
Who is it that you want to be at your best for?? Depending on what stage of life you are at, it may be someone special like a spouse, fiancé, or parent. Our who is special to us, and we want to take care of them and their needs.? Who is your who?? Who is your WHY?? Your Who may be you, and that is ok.? Maybe you are on a solo journey to get where you are trying to go, and solo is how you roll.? That’s ok.? You can be your Who.? Your personal satisfaction is a huge part of WHY you are doing what you are doing.? Maybe you made some promises about goals or dreams for someone or with someone and that is driving you to succeed.? You can also have multiple “Who’s!”? Use your “who” to drive you, to help you, to inspire you, and to be the best “you” that you can be.? Who is your who?? Tell them this ValenWHYs day.?
How do you show your Who that they matter to you and are important to you?? Let’s skip past the fundamental statements like:? I provide for them. I text them to check on them.? I put a roof over their head and clothes on their back.? Those are probably true; however they can be considered expectations depending on what season you are at in your life.? Ask yourself the question, “How do I show my WHY that they are my WHY?”? How do you?? Being there in the moment or remembering special times and places are good starts, however what do you do to really energize your Who?? What do you do to show them.? I don’t mean gifts or trips, although sometimes those acts of affirmation are great, however I mean how are you the best for them.? Do you focus on your health so you can be there for them?? Do you set aside time specifically to spend on them without distractions (that means your phone)?? If you don’t know the answer of WHY you show your Who how important they are to you, you might want to take some time to reflect.? How do you show them?
You are in control.? You decide what you do and WHY you do what you do for your Who.? You must understand deep down your WHY and allow that to drive and inspire you to be the best you can be.? Spoiler Alert:? Nobody is perfect.? We all agree, however we can’t use that as our excuse when we are not at our best.? Sure, it is true, however we don’t need to use that as a crutch.? You determine the steps and actions (you can’t just think about WHY you think your Who should know) that lead to creating moments and memories to help show your WHY that they are important to you.? There is a book called, “The 5 Love Languages” by Gary Chapman.? He describes 5 primary Love Languages.? They are:? Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Acts of Service, Physical Touch, and Receiving Gifts.? You need to know the Love Language of your Who so you can show them WHY they are your Who. You also need to know what your Love Language is so your Who can be the best for you too.?
It varies WHY we want to be the best we can be; however we all have our reasons.? We have our WHY and we are all on different paths to succeeding at being our best “Us” we can be.? Our goals are influenced by our WHY.? Our WHY (or Who) often pushes us to achieve greater things that we would have if they were not in our lives.? We have to know Who it is that we want to be our best for, and how to show them that they are our WHY.? You have to know that you alone control how you act and respond. Sure, there are other influences in your life, but ultimately, you are in control of you.? Take some time to show your Who WHY they are your WHY and celebrate WHY each of you are different and WHY each of you matter.? It does not have to be today, and it should not only be today.? Make sure your Who knows, and don’t wait for ValenWHYs to show them.? ?Happy ValenWHYs day!
W – Who is it you want to be your best for?
H – How do you show them?
Y – You are in control.
Stay safe and stay well!