Who Are Your Promotion Saboteurs?
There are promotion saboteurs in your organisation. Some with the intent on damaging your career and others who strangely have your best interests at heart.
Today, I am going to share with you who these may be, and how you can mitigate any risk they will cause to your promotion.
Your Boss
Is your boss raising your visibility with your career decision-makers and sharing with them the impact and value you are having on the organisation? Is he actively selling you?
Don’t assume he is, partner with him to ensure he has all the facts, and he is promoting you well.
And don’t forget this is on you as well. If you need some ideas on how to make yourself more visible, check out my post – Are You Visible Enough to Get Your Boss’s role?
Your Sponsors
Can your sponsors speak in detail about the impact you are having on them? Will they even remember what you’ve done for them with everything going on in their roles?
Again, please don’t assume, before anyone speaks with them, get them up to speed with all the facts.
Your Evaluator
Your promotion evaluator needs to be able to sell your promotion case to the committee to ensure you stand out from the other candidates. Make sure the evaluator gets everything needed to do this in your interview with them.
If you think the evaluator is not going to be the best salesperson for you, then you need to mitigate this risk as well. Take a look at How to Ace the Executive Leader Promotion Process for some additional help on this.
Your Peers/Team
Will your peers speak highly of you if spoken to?
If you suspect not, it’s time to build those win-win relationships. Habit #4 – The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People.
The Clashers
Is there anyone in the organisation that you have clashed with?
Have you forced a decision through that someone took badly?
Is there anyone else with bad feelings towards you?
Now’s the time to repair the damage with them.
Are there any fears, beliefs, behaviours, blind spots, etc. that need to be addressed before you slip on them?
Are you fully prepared? Can you say on your heart that you’ve done everything you can?
Don’t know, not sure, in denial? Get yourself a professional coach and give yourself the best shot at the title.
Other Sabateours
Who else could sabotage your promotion, and how are you going to deal with them?
A Challenge For You
Map out all the possible promotion saboteurs you can think of and then for each one, create a plan to mitigate the risk.
And if needed, get your boss, mentor and/or coach to help you.
Please don’t brush this risk aside, take action because as a promotion evaluator, I’ve come across these promotion saboteurs. I even had a powerful one try and sabotage my promotion.
Your Coach