Who Is Your Optimal Guru?

Who Is Your Optimal Guru?

Here, you’ll find out what Optimal Guru can do for you; our mission.

Then discover the reasons why we are on a ‘mission’; our visions, the fuel that drives us to make profound transformations in the lives of many.

Optimal Guru empowers you to find your inner guru and enjoy a happier, healthier, and wealthier life using our holistic training systems because we believe you’re worth it.

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Optimal Guru’s Mission:

Optimal Guru empowers?you to consciously manifest?the life of your dreams?by using our holistic training systems

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1) Empowerment

“You are your own best authority.”
– The Seeker’s Guide by Elizabeth Lesser

Can something be true for one person and not true for another?

Peanut-Butter-Pauline LOVES peanut butter; she has it with every meal and between every meal because she believes it is a healthy source of energy that makes her feel amazing. If you ask Peanut-Butter-Pauline, she’ll say, “peanut butter every day keeps the doctor away”.

Allergic-Ashley is deathly allergic to peanuts. I think we can agree that peanut butter every day will have different consequences for Allergic-Ashley compared to Peanut-Butter-Pauline. But that wouldn’t stop Peanut-Butter-Pauline from offering her new friend, Allergic-Ashley, some peanut butter with all the best intentions; it’s Allergic-Ashley’s inner guru that knows the right choice is to avoid the peanut butter and, therefore, avoid an allergic reaction.

Who better to be your guru than you?

This doesn’t mean that you only have one teacher in your life. You are your best guru but you can learn from anyone and anything. You know what feels right for you.

It is through self-awareness that growth can start to occur; when you can distinguish what you genuinely prefer because you are aware of the choice.

At Optimal Guru, we help you find your inner guru. We empower you with the tools and knowledge so you can gain greater self-awareness which allows you to manifest a life better than you could have imagined.

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2) Consciously

To live life consciously means to live it on purpose as opposed through habit or compulsive behaviour. Having your favorite snack is usually not harmful when you consciously enjoy a single serving. Compulsively consuming the entire family-sized bag is when innocent indulgence can become harmful. We encourage you to try new things and enjoy your favorite things – all with an open mind.

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3) Manifestation

Manifestation means to make an idea come to life; to put theory into practice. It doesn’t have to be complicated but it does require a particular approach.

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4) Life of your dreams

Unfortunately, many people have reflected on their life only to realize that they lived the life that someone else wanted them to live and their dreams are still only something they peek at while sleeping or daydreaming. Anyone can find a reason why not to pursue their dreams but with the right motivation, no reason is big enough to stop you from getting what you want. I can tell with 100% certainty that you will not have the life of your dreams if you don’t try.

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5) Holistic training systems

There seems to be something missing from many training programs these days. They seem to offer the solution to one part of the problem only to leave you stuck at a different stage of your journey. Then, when you go and pay for more training to fill in the gaps, a different methodology or system is used that seems incompatible with what you just implemented in another area of your life. In addition to providing extremely effective self-empowering tools, Optimal Guru looks to incorporate the system of programs and skills required to achieve lasting results.

Optimal Guru’s Visions:

We believe in cherishing the opportunity?to create unique gifts?of your choice?and joyously?share them?with the world

Let’s break down our main vision…

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1) Cherishing the opportunity

Life is truly a miracle and a tremendous opportunity that must be cherished – the?original?once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. People complain about getting older but it is a privilege denied to many and every chance we get to ‘stop and smell the roses’ is a true blessing.

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2) Create unique gifts

You are the only you that exists; you are the only you that has ever existed; you are the only you that will ever exist. You are literally the only living organism to have ever existed with your unique skill-set and your unique perspective. Don’t deny the world the opportunity to see what?you?are truly capable of. We believe expressing our unique abilities and perspectives is part of the foundation for a fulfilling and meaningful life. When you create something that uses your unique set of life-tools then you are expressing your true nature and some say that is the meaning of life.

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3) Of your choice

We can choose our response to 100% of our life experience. A rose smells like a rose. It doesn’t smell ‘good’ or ‘bad’. However, Julia smells a rose and is reminded of her first date with her new husband; a memory that brings her great joy. Jay, on the other hand, smells a rose and is reminded of a prank that was played on him as a child; a memory that brings him a feeling of pain and embarrassment. We are conditioned by our life experiences to believe one thing or another. If we live our life habitually, the impressions left by events of our past change our programming that has us automatically loving, or disgusted by, something. If we live our life consciously, then we can guide our programming/habits to be the way we prefer them to be and choose to respond in a manner that leaves us feeling the way we prefer to feel.

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?4) Joyously

We create our own experience of life. This builds on choosing your life experience in the sense that if you choose a positive way to look at something then you can also choose to find and create more joy in it; this amplifies the good feeling you got from choosing a positive perspective in the first place. For example, you have to do the dishes or some other nagging chore. You can moan, groan, and grumble about it then do it with a scowl on your face while thinking about anything but doing the dishes. Or, since you have to do the dishes in any case, you put on one of your favorite songs and enjoy every sensation the sweet present moment…the weight of the dishes; the smell of lemony fresh dish soap; the warmth of the water on your hands, the soothing sound of running water as an undertone to your favorite tune; the glisten of the water as it pours onto dishes.

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?5) Share them

Have you ever been so excited to give a gift to someone that it appeared you were more excited for the person to open the gift than the person receiving the gift? Giving is one of the most profoundly beautiful and joyous things we can do as humans. How good is the world’s best banana cream pie if only the baker eats it? The baker doesn’t have to limit herself to banana cream pies either, she can create a blueberry pie or really mix it up and bake strawberry cheesecake. The world is your fully-stocked kitchen; make what excites you and share it with those you love.

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?6) With the world

We live in a day and age with amazing technology that can connect people from around the globe in an instant. You don’t have to think that you’re stuck helping people in your small hometown. You can share your gifts with people around the world – from nearly anywhere. Now that you can find people in all corners of the globe, it’s possible to find more people who would be delighted to pay for you to help them with a problem or desire in their life.

More Optimal Guru Visions:

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?We believe in the power to choose your attitude about anything at anytime

  • Do you ever notice that when you look back on something that happened in your life which, at the time, you thought was the worst possible thing that could have ever happened to you actually turned out to be one of the best things to happen to you? You’re not alone. It may take years for us to choose an attitude of gratitude toward a certain circumstance that left us devastated but if we are likely to end up there anyway then could it make sense to choose to be happy now? After all, who is it helping to be unhappy? You are literally poisoning yourself when you think negative thoughts and feel the associated unhappy feelings. The people closest to you sense that you aren’t happy and that makes them worried about you when they could be joining you in your joyfulness instead of being concerned. Yes, bad things happen but if it already happened then you’ve already been through it; consider the real implications if you choose to drag out your suffering and understand that you can always choose your attitude. Your circumstances may not be the way you planned for them to be but you have the power to interpret your life and experience a joyous life instead of one of suffering.

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?We believe that being present gives you presents

  • Humans typically constantly run various stories in their minds and these stories can be distracting from our actual life. Does playing your favorite movie in the same room of an important conversation make it easier or more difficult to be present and focused? When we run stories in our heads, we tend to miss the beauty being displayed for us as well as many golden opportunities. It’s possible that the person behind you in line at the grocery store was talking to their friend about a vacancy for your dream job and they need someone ASAP but if you were caught up with something on your phone or replaying a recent argument in your head then you may likely miss the opportunity.

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?We believe that acceptance overcomes judgment and understanding overcomes the tendency to take things personally

  • You don’t know the complete history of anyone. Only you know the complete history of you. Therefore, when you accept that other people are doing what they believe is best for them with their interesting points of view then there will be less judgment of the actions of others. Similarly, understanding that everyone has their own interesting point of view makes it easier to not take things personally. Some people consider getting cut off in traffic as a personal attack on their dignity when it could be possible that the person is trying to make it to the hospital or just heard some terrible news and isn’t thinking straight. There are countless examples of times when actions seemed unjustified until a further explanation was given that allowed a better understanding of the situation.

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?We believe in the power of intention without expectation

  • Anything can happen. We can have the greatest intentions but often something doesn’t go to plan and, even though the result is still an improvement, someone can still be upset because it didn’t turn out the way they wanted. You can control your intention but the result is always an assortment of probabilities. Live to enjoy the process; the result is a byproduct.

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?We believe each moment of life is as precious as any other

  • Without this moment you can’t get to where you want to go. Yes, your goal is to achieve something in the future but there are an infinite amount of moments to enjoy while on the road to ‘success’ and all those moments are experienced in the now. Appreciate this moment for its contribution to your experience of life.

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?We believe that loving yourself is the key to loving others.

  • When you love yourself then you have the ultimate built-in accountability system. You might go to the end of the Earth for someone you love. Let one of those people be you. You spend your whole life with yourself; it is arguably the most important relationship that you need to maintain. Would you talk to a friend the way you talk to yourself? Would you recommend a friend does what you’re doing? Do what you say you’re going to do because you love yourself enough to keep your word to yourself. As the flight attendants say during the safety talk, “Please put on your oxygen mask before helping others”.

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?We believe that you must be the change you want to see

  • When you go to a social gathering with a bunch of new people, do you look to talk to the person of which you have the least in common? Most would choose to mingle with those they can relate to. When you are the change you want to see then those who represent that change can find you more easily which can create momentum in your movement as well as get you engulfed in the change that you wish to see.

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?We believe you are your own best guru

  • Your senses allow you to take in information. Your brain allows you to make sense of the information. You, the real you, knows what is best for you and uses the information you consume to determine what you believe, think, feel, and do.

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?We believe in continuous learning through deep involvement with life

  • People are realizing the benefits of continuous professional development beyond the content being consumed and applied. Learning gives maintains essential brain functions and gives a sense of purposeful excitement to life. We live in an ocean of motion; keep moving in mind, body, and spirit.

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?We believe in you

  • Think of how many amazing things you’ve done in your life. Sometimes we think we aren’t capable of much until we really evaluate what we do. On a smaller scale, without even thinking, you can convert an apple into flesh. If you read that last sentence, you’re displaying great skill in knowing how to read English and you can navigate the world wide web. Don’t underestimate the small things for they make up the big things.

You can do this!

I empower spiritual professionals to gain more control, clarity, and confidence in their whole life so they can do what they know they need to do in order to create the impact they crave.


