Who are Your Most Influential People?
Kofi Annan, an Influential Person.

Who are Your Most Influential People?

“Having influence is not about elevating self, but about lifting others,” Sheri Dew.

What does it mean to be influential? Often, we are exposed to people whom we deem as very influential in their respective fields or in society. Influential people are usually passionate, focused, caring, positive in their thinking and have a vibrant urge to affect the lives of other people through any means available to them. Like Sheri Dew’s quote above, influential people are mostly interested not only in their progress as individuals but also in seeing to it that they are able to pull others along when they are climbing the success ladder. It is essential to note that influence can either be direct or indirect and does not necessarily require the presence of the influencer for someone to be influenced.

Here in Ghana, every year, a number of people who are considered influential in the society are named and a ceremony is usually organised to honour these people. Not everyone on the Ghana’s Most Influential list receives an award. However, it is appropriate to say that the fact that they have been nominated means that there are doing something influential.

To find out how influential some of the people on the list are, I decided to ask some young people what their thoughts are about their most influential person and why. Here are their answers.


Paa Kwesi Nduom

Bernard Detcher: Paa Kwesi Nduom. He has inspired me as an entrepreneur. For someone who started initially as a life insurance underwriter for a company, to become the owner of multi-enterprises by seeing the need, achieving it, and creating employment for thousands of people, I’m sure he deserves the flagship.”

Vincent Osim: Anas Aremeyaw Anas. I love him for the risk he takes in fighting corruption. {I would like to ask him} why he puts his life at risk for Ghana {and} whether I can be a part of his revolution.

Perry Worchie: I believe Anas Aremeyaw Anas is the most influential on the list because of the amount of influence he has on public opinion after his investigations. He goes to great lengths to expose the evils of society. I would like to have a one-on-one meeting with him first of all to see his face but mainly to gain insight into who he really is and what makes him do what he does.

Anas Aremeyaw Anas

Henry Dongotey: Kofi Annan. He has been a role model, a spotlight for me and a person with unquestionable honour and excellence. His personality as an individual, the positions he has held and more specifically being the UN general secretary are the things that make him very influential. If I met him, I would like to ask him about the failures he encountered in his career and how he overcame them as well as how he handled his family and other relationships during his endeavours.

Ella Karen: Gifty Anti to me, is the most influential because being a woman, a Christian and a career woman in our generation comes with its own package of challenges. Should I be given the opportunity to meet her in person, I would like to find out what her toughest challenges and most celebrated victories are.

Emmanuella Acorpha: Anas Aremeyaw Anas. I think he has been able to convince not only Ghanaians but the world at large about his work and he has proven to be on top of his game. 

I would like to meet Anas so I could tap from his array of wisdom considering my line of profession.

Alberta Mortty: Kofi Annan. I feel he achieved the highest political position on earth. He, therefore, has in-depth knowledge of things. I feel he used his power to largely maintain world peace and development. As a young Journalist, I would like to Meet Kofi Annan. I admire him a lot. And I feel his opinions on issues will broaden my mind and help me understand the political world I am living in. He can also help me in networking. I feel he is an inspiration to young folks like me; that we can aspire to any height, whether we are black or white, rich or poor, male or female. If I met him, I would ask him questions like, if I were his daughter or grand-daughter, what would be the top ten pieces of advice would give me before I attained the age of 30; If the clocks of time were turned, what are some things he would have done better before 40 years; Also, what inspires him and what his personal ritual is?

Gifty Anti

Maud Amoah: Gifty Anti. She is a woman of integrity and very focused in life.She is a hardworking woman who has set goals and wants to reach a higher standard.

Stella Agyeman: Anas Aremeyaw Anas. He is my role model and I want to hear from him directly how he goes about with his muckraking.

Daniel Anyoriga: Anas Aremeyaw Anas. He has redefined the practice and essence of journalism in the country through the analysis of his findings. I would also like a “One-on-one discussion session with Kofi Annan in order to: understand the ideological underpinnings of various world leaders; hear his thoughts about how the world would be in the next century; understand the impact Ghana has made over the years, and identify ways Ghana can contribute to the world.

Well, it looks like most of them have a thing for Anas and Kofi Annan, right?

You will agree that all the people on the list are facilitating numerous changes ranging from leadership to politics and so whether they are recognised or not, doesn’t rob them of the title of being influential.

Nevertheless, my main concern is that young people would comprehend the fact that they do not need to make the “Most Influential List” before they are acknowledged as influential. They need to realise that influence has to do with the impact one makes in the life of others and not the number of people who follow you.

To wrap up, I want to appreciate everyone who participated in this exercise and to also urge the youth to crave the urge to make a social impact in whatever way they can, so we can have an empowered nation. For my most influential person, it goes to everyone who strives against odds to make an impact in the lives of other people especially in the lives of people who cannot repay them.

WRITER: Ivy Edith Makafui Agbozo

[email protected]

IMAGES: Google


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