Who are your iron partners?
SportsFaith Play of the day from the Ultimate Playbook!
Proverbs 27:17 Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.
Sharpening iron is a tough process. It is the process of intentionally finding the dull spots of an object, exposing them, and going through the painful journey together to become sharper. If you go too far you could break the object, but at the end of the process the iron object is better for it. Who do you have in your life who is willing to find the dull spots and is willing to help you work them out? Refining may not sound like a pleasant process, but without it we may be less effective, and even may be hurting others without knowing it. When we have 'iron partners' around us, we become more aware and effective. Surround yourself with iron partners, get rid of the dull spots and have a blessed day!
#iron #sharp #faith #Jesus