Who is Your EMS Hero
I can't imagine the magnitude of work EMS personnel do day in and day out and the trauma they see. Not only that, but responding on the roadways and the increased risks for their own lives while trying to save others. EMS personnel are simply selfless. I know I could not do their job, and I respect those who can. It does take us all working together to make our world safer— compare it to a jigsaw puzzle with 1,000 pieces.
With the motor vehicle crash statistics, NHTSA reported that in 2021 there were 42,915 fatalities, and the National Safety Council Injury Facts showed medically consulted injuries?in motor-vehicle incidents totaled 4.8 million in 2020. 4.8 million isn't a small number. Each of these numbers is a person, family member, co-worker, friend, neighbor, or acquaintance. The sheer magnitude of the impact emotionally, personally, professionally, and financially.
Without the many EMS personnel doing their jobs, the number of motor vehicle fatalities and injuries would be even more outrageous than they already are. I know firsthand that their workload keeps increasing.
My EMS hero is my son, a paramedic/fire fighter. Who is your EMS Hero?