Who is your boss?
Nia Sheremeteva
Founder/CEO - RSI LONDON GROUP: RSI Tech, RSI LONDON, RSI Search, DomPersonnel
Being a boss ultimately means being in charge. But even bosses have their own bosses to boss them around. Very often in life, the dynamic of power shifts, and we can find ourselves being bossed around.
It always happens to me when my little one gets sick. I am always trying to be in charge of the family, controlling my kids’ activities, guiding their choices, monitoring their friendships. I am the one parent in our family who can firmly say ‘no’. But when my children become unwell, somehow the dynamic shifts. It is like they finally find the superpower over me, playing on the most vulnerable side of parenting.
‘Mum, could I please have another sweet?’ my little one says looking at me with puppy eyes, slightly red around the corners. The fifth sweet before lunch usually would be unimaginable, obviously. However, looking at his little face with the red Rudolph-like nose, I suddenly feel like I lose all my parenting power. And he knows it!
His requests keep coming ‘I don’t want to eat the chicken soup, can you order me a pizza?’, ‘Can I please watch TV for another hour?’, ‘Can I play Fortnite?’, ‘Could you bring me more juice?’, ‘Could you buy me that cuddly toy?’ And so it continues. Suddenly I find myself compliantly serving all his wishes, like a scruffy-looking butler running around the house searching for more unhealthy snacks to cheer him up.
And this power shift doesn’t happen only with my children. I have to confess, I do have my boss who owns me completely. It is the woman who cleans my house. I literally lose my sleep when I have too much ironing for her to do – I dread the look she gives me entering my home and finding an overspilling pile of clothes in the ironing basket, or a ton of dirty dishes stuck on top of each other in the sink.
The truth is that she is the best, most reliable, fun housekeeper I have ever had. I couldn’t do without her. The least I can do is tidy my messy house before she comes in… Do you think it doesn’t make sense? A bossy housekeeper could be sometimes inconvenient, but the thought of her bailing on me is too much to bear. After all, I owe her my freedom from the never-ending chores.
Bosses come in all shapes and sizes. And I have to say, it is a humbling experience sometimes.
And what about you? Who is your boss? ??