Who Are You and Why Are You Here?
Robert Clemons
Author of ONE UNIQUE BREATH, (A nonfiction book exploring some of the profound issues of life) and THE HIROSHIMA AGENDA and THE FOUR RIVERS OF EDEN, (novels in the science fiction genre)
Most of us, I think, have spent some time and effort trying to comprehend the nature of God. Have you ever considered the hopelessness of "comprehending" the Infinite God when we don't even comprehend the nature of human beings?
In Psalm 8:4 David asks God, "What is man that you are mindful of him . . ." In the book of Job, the title character whines on and on, asking God why me? What did I do? after losing everything, every single thing he had in this world, due to a wager between Satan and God. God had had enough of all the accusatory questions when He began his long 'butt whipping' response in Job 38: 1-2, "Then the LORD answered Job out of the storm. He said: 'Who is this that darkens my counsel with words without knowledge?'"
God's 'come to Jesus,' chastising answer took up the rest of chapters 38, 39, 40, and 41, where the Almighty pointed out in absolute clarity that no human being has the slightest clue of all there is to be known and the perfect absoluteness with which God knows all of it.
One of the HUGE categories of things we don't know has to do with our own nature. Again, "What is man that God even considers us?" We don't know the answer.
Look in your mirror. Ask the visage that stares back: Who are you? Where did you come from? Why do you exist--for what purpose? Where are you going in this life? Who/what will you be when you leave this life?
Since most of us are, apparently, not essential, and must stay isolated at home until this virus is adequately dealt with, this is an ideal time to reflect on these questions, with the goal of acquiring a better focus about ourselves, our lives, and what we'd like to do when we are able to move on with them after this mini-apocalypse.
I deal with all of these questions and with this main question in my book, The Four Rivers of Eden, which you may order from Amazon. This really would be an excellent time to read it. You can get in in seconds as an E-Book on your smart phone, tablet, computer, book reader, etc, or in just a couple or three days in paperback, by clicking www.amazon.com/dp/B07YGQHNK7 and follow the simple instructions to order it. Thanks for reading me.
Robert Clemons, Christian Author