Who are you Sharing the Stage with?
The kind of content you are creating as a business owner is important. However, who you are sharing it with or who is a part of it is just as important. Think about different talk shows like the Tonight Show, or Late Night with James Corden. The reason why those interviews are so widespread and go viral is because of the people Jimmy Fallon interviews or the rides that James Corden gives people in his car. Jimmy and James are both funny, but the reason for their success goes beyond their humor. Their success extends as they are able to connect to others in their own shows.
What can we learn from this type of marketing?
- Who do you want to bring along that will be worth watching more than yourself? This is not an easy question, because we believe it’s by making ourselves look good that we better our business. Nevertheless, if we are able to highlight and praise someone else’s success, then we are probably doing a better job as a Business Owner.
- Know your strengths. I’ll stop there, I don’t even want to discuss weaknesses. As Business Owners, the reason for success is tied solely to the ability you had to use the strengths that God gave you. Therefore, use them for others. If you are a Real Estate Agent who does an amazing job selling houses, don’t be so focused on being the photographer for your business. Let someone who is just as great in that area come alongside you. You will find great joy in highlighting their success as you both become better business owners.
- Share your story. I do not mean talk about yourself here… I mean be honest about how you got to where you are at. It wasn’t on your own. Who were influences in your life that lead you to the place you are in? What did your parents teach you or encourage you that you can take as advice? Share your most valuable experiences with others, and guess what… you will be surprised at how valuable those lessons will be to help someone along the way. Good knowledge never gets old or loses its value.
As you go don’t hesitate in ways to help others. Don’t fear what that could do to you or your business, as you will learn that “to give is better than to receive.”
One of the ways I have seen helpful for business owners to give back and to be a part of someone’s success is through Jobs for Life. Contact and find out more at www.jobsforlife.org