Who Are You Marketing To?

Who Are You Marketing To?

Who Are You Marketing To?

Over the next few days I will be publishing pages from my new eBook "Who Are

You Marketing To.  At the end of each post will be the link to download a copy of the whole book...for those who don't want to have to login everyday to get the next post...Comments about the eBook are most welcome



Just a short introduction...Most of you don't know me but accepted my connection invitation on Linkedin...so first I would like to thank you. 

I started me real estate career in 2001 when the market in Virginia was turning over quite nicely and earned “Rookie Of The Year” award for my office in Fredericksburg. 

I moved around then for a couple of years trying different real estate companies before ending up in a rural office just before the market changed. 

As luck would have it, it turned out to be the best move and found myself in the right place at the right time to start a 6 year career as an REO agent. I did both residential and commercia REO work...completed on average 60-70 BPO's a month and sold properties for Fannie Mae, Bank Of America, Wells Fargo and more.

I was completely burnt out..working 15+ hour days, usually 7 days a week. It was at the point that my youngest son got out of high school I decided I needed to have a break.

In 2013 2 of my 4 children and myself moved to the UK...I am from there originally and thought it would nice to see family and friends again. It has been a great experience. My 2 boys have lived and worked here in the UK...one of them travelling to many countries he only dreamed of.. We have enjoyed the break but will be returning to the US in the fall of 2016.

Before leaving the US back in 2013 I had started blogging...I really didn't get it back then but with a bit more time on my hands and the opportunity to learn from some of the great internet marketers I found I really enjoyed it...this led me to writing my first eBook and finding out how use the eBook as a download....something I share for FREE...please request a copy!


What can Realtor's Learn From Internet Marketers?

Internet marketers have gotten a bad name over the past few years with their landing page/squeeze promises of health, wealth and never needing to work ever again headlines that suck folks into whatever multi level marketing scheme they are selling.

What is it that internet marketers know that you don't?

It is niche marketing...And why is it so important to your real estate


Once you have found a niche then you have a target market in which to build your social media presence around. Sadly many agents do the opposite...they build their social media presence on FaceBook, Twitter, Linkedin...and wonder why they are failing!

Social media has opened the doors to an audience of potential clients for realtor's like never before. When I first got my real estate license in 2001 the internet was just starting to really gain traction in the real estate industry...

In fact one of my brokers said it would be just a passing phase and don't waste time building a website no one will ever go to it. So how did we build our business back then? We farmed' neighborhoods as I am sure most of you seasoned agents did and probably still do, either with flyers, post cards and even a little old fashioned door knocking.

Well finding potential clients (buyers or sellers) on the internet is really the same as farming, instead all your really doing is fishing in a bigger pond...A much, much bigger pond and therefore you have to narrow your audience down to a niche or group of folks you can talk to and more importantly, who want to listen to what you have to say.

So using the fishing analogy as an example. One day you decide you want to go fishing but you have never been fishing before (this would be me..never been fishing ever, it wouldn't look right fishing in heels). 

So you go to the store and purchase all the latest fishing gear & gadgets you can lay your hands on...this would be like buying into expensive websites or social media planners etc the internet has to offer.

The next day you go fishing. The first pond gives you fish that are too small and you through them back...The next day another pond..these fish you cant eat so you through them back...The next day another pond and so on, until you get tired of fishing, blame the equipment..through it in the garage and say fishing doesn't work...it's too time consuming and just not fun.

Unfortunately Realtor's do the same with internet marketing through social media or our websites and then say it doesn't work.

Well it does work, ask any internet marketer who has made money and there are quite a few out there who have made a lot of money because they did their homework and found a niche.

Internet marketers consistently market to their niche buyers.

The internet marketers become the expert in their field and their followers will happily buy whatever it is they have to sell because they trust them.

Not content with writing eBooks, I went onto building 2 websites in WordPress. One is a membership site for realtor's to build Single Property Websites for each individual listing and the other is an eBook store where realtor's can buy ebooks to send to their clients as a gentle reminder they are still in business.

Next I moved onto social media...learning once again from successful the internet marketers how they built their social media platforms and the pitfalls and mistakes most of us make with our social media efforts.

After fixing my own social media mistakes...it inspired me to write this eBook as I had seen many agents doing the same things I had done and wondering why my efforts were just not getting anywhere.

Click the link to download and read the eBook today CLICK HERE







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