Who are YOU listening to?
Szebastian Onne G. S.
INTENTION Strategist for BRANDING. OUTREACH. AUTHORITY. Write on: Identity, Tech. Mental Health, DEI, Paws. Connector | Podcaster | Model-Actor | Ex-Homeless | Provoking CHANGE. ☆AU | UK | APAC
You have two choices: To react to the outside, or To listen to the INSIDE.
Life will present you with events, challenges, circumstances that are not in favor of your goals and the path you are treading on. You will be called into a duel of Ego and Power and lured into a tempting cycle of 'who is to blame'.
A part of you will want to react to the external factors (events, people, changes, cancellations, disruptions) and invest your entire energy into proving yourself to them.
A part of you will alert you to not fall for the game and listen to your inner-voice of purpose, clarity and truth and invest yourself into your vision, mission and everything involved in the journey which is going to define and create your ultimate legacy.
It is very tempting to become the 'victim' and get immersed into 'why me?' and stop looking for the real answers to questions like -
> What is the reason behind this?
- > What did I do to attract this?
- > What did I NOT do to attract this?
- > What could have I done better?
- > What/Who am I listening to?
- > What/Who should I listen to?
- > Why should I continue?
- > Why should I stop?
- > What should I continue or stop?
- > How much this really means to me?
- > Am I accepting the reality or fighting with an ego within me?
Often you will find yourself reacting to the external factors (events, people, situation) when they are not in alignment with your thought process. This is where the fall begins. You start compromising towards 'satisfying' them (in defense or offense) rather than focusing on why you started and where you want to be.
I have been there. I go there several times. I go there every time something unfavorable happens. It takes me a day or two to realize my inner-voices are talking to me. I have a few of them. They are also non-binary. The moment I listen to them, things start becoming clear and I exactly know what I want and don't want to do and be involved in.
Don't be scared or ashamed of sharing your journey with the ultimate truth. It is the biggest deception and damage you can do yourself. As I started accepting my truth in 2008 a lot changed in my life. Now and then, I get in a duel with truth versus what they want to hear. But more often than not, my inner-voices bring me back to my truth.
I am not a quitter, nor am I a people pleaser and I most certainly am not a hater. But I am a fighter, a stubborn one and caring person. Even when I disagree with you, I will care for you and sometimes I will show that care by not calling you out on your actions but only as long as they are not damaging others.
I am not perfect, neither are you. So instead of focusing on our egos, we need to focus on our strengths and either bring them together or use them independently to create a beautiful tomorrow that is going to serve more than just ourselves.
Live this life with your truth, and no one else's ego, vanity or shame. You are not responsible for reacting to their weakness, you are responsible to listening to your strengths.
I am listening to me.
Who are you listening to?