Who are you?
Daniel Pacheco
Como consultor facilito espacios de reflexión individual o colectiva para determinar acciones concretas de adaptabilidad a los cambios.
Who are you?
Who are you? How do you define yourself? The idea you have of yourself is crucial since it is decisive when defining your purpose since it enhances or limits your abilities necessary to manifest your vision, whatever it may be.
We act based on what we believe is possible under certain conditions. Although from a holistic and even quantum perspective there are infinite possibilities, that is, they are unlimited, they will be specified, according to the self-concept you have, what you truly and deeply believe about your capacity and circumstances. If you consider the miracle of your existence, it shouldn't surprise you how limitless your possibilities are.
Following the deductive reasoning used by Ali Binazir, who states that the probability of your identity, unique and unrepeatable, being as it is, is close to zero. Thinking that life began in a unicellular organism, then an improbable chain of events, considering that your ancestors from the earliest Hominids to Homo Sapiens Sapiens, who since the beginning of life have had to meet, stay alive long enough and procreate. Also taking into account that your mother has around 100,000 eggs throughout her lifetime and that your father generates about 4 billion sperm and only one will have to fertilize the indicated egg of the chosen female (both must have met many partners previously). But all this multiplied by 150,000 generations that lived long enough to be able to procreate, it is really mind-blowing, to elucidate how that lineage remained intact for 4 billion years. If you consider it, it would be pertinent that every time you look in the mirror, you understand the miracle of which you are a witness.
If you lead an unstimulating life, it is certainly a shame that you waste so much possibility of expression and contribution to the universe, in routines stripped of meaning, fulfilling empty rituals, and wasting your invaluable and unrecoverable time with unmotivated or simply sleepy people. Perhaps it is time to wake up, although this requires a change of identity because being a victim is not the same as being a creator, consuming is not the same as contributing, neither suppressing than expanding, giving, or always being the one who begs or receives.
Surely there is a dream that guides you in the realization of your purpose, clearly, obstacles will appear along the way, and without a doubt, you will make countless mistakes until you materialize achievements, but the certainty is that a meaningless life is wasting this unique, wonderful and unrepeatable opportunity
I request authorization to give you a suggestion: if you still do not find what you are passionate about, dedicate yourself to looking for a need that moves you and starts working so that it ceases to exist. Becoming an instrument of a Universe that is neither random nor chaotic, but the product of a superior order that is impossible to understand with the limited qualities of our human senses, which are nothing more than transducers of events and creators of sensations in our glorious Brain.
Fear is a biological survival mechanism that our brain uses to warn us of dangers, not to stop us. While the reward system mobilizes neurotransmitters like Dopamine to get you going towards desired goals. Wisdom, I believe, is found in building transcendental goals, important for life in general, in favor of the well-being of the majority, including non-human species and nature. Only love for a true cause, with a profound sense of solidarity or altruism, manages to sustain a valuable undertaking, whether it is with the creation of a product, a company, an innovative proposal, or a family that contributes to the common good, to improve the lives of those who join your path and many other beings who will live better because you have existed.
There is nothing casual about the events of your life, nor is it that I wrote these words and you are reading them right now. The information is available to everyone all the time, and we will access what is required by each stage of our human evolution, (as Humberto Maturana would say: ?autopoietically?), awakening emotions that move us in the right direction according to our own development. Since we are emotional beings that latter then rationalize an adequate explanation for our actions.
Before answering who are you? Perhaps it is pertinent to review our environment, and our circumstances, and contrast them with our wildest dreams, to know if we will continue to be what we say, or if we are willing to reach the limit of what is possible, at least in this human experience.