Who is Yoli Chisholm? Intro to new weekly?show
Yoli Ngcakani
VP @ Deriv.com | Former Microsoft, eBay, Sprinklr | Reddit Expert Channalyst.com
TLDR; The 90’s were crazy, remember the portal years? the transition to mobile was crazy, all GenX’ers will get it. I hope you’ll follow my podcast
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Oh God ringtones do you guys remember
that time do you remember those few
years where the mobile phone evolved as a home now pre the
iPhone I was actually working for a
company called lava life that started a
mobile ventures division and we were
building chat apps dating apps and like
mobile messaging apps and dealing
directly with the telecom companies so
we would have to deal directly with them
and create apps that that could live on
the phone
hey everyone it’s Yoli Chisholm and if you
don’t know me you will get to know me if
you’re watching this it probably means
that you’re in my network somehow and
those that know me know I do a marketing
experiment every single year. I’ve been a
digital marketer for 20 years and if
you’re watching this well you’re in my
experiment. I never talk about what it is
I’m testing each year but let’s see… a
couple years ago I grew my facebook
following to about a hundred thousand
and then just deleted that account that
was an experiment… a couple of years ago
I rode the crypto wave and took 7k and
grew it up to 70,000 dollars and that
was a ride and I captured that on
YouTube and so this year I’m going
bigger. So I want to make sure that you
guys are connected with me on all of my
various social networks so whatever your
flavor is pick it up and I’ll be there
Yoli Chisholm across the web and please
feel free to check out my website Yoli
Chisholm.com and if you wanna text cuz
you know that text is the next thing
text me “Hey Yoli” to 474747 let’s connect so I know
some of you are wondering why should I
even bother tuning in why should I
listen to
Yoli Chisholm what does she got to say
that might be interesting well it might
not be interesting but I do happen to
think I’ve had a very interesting life
as I said earlier I’ve been a digital
marketer for twenty years I’ve kind of
grown up with the web and actually fell
into the web originally as a marketer I
was working for consumer packaged goods
retail organization in company in Canada
called BiWay that had over 500 stores
and I would design the flyer and work
with the merchandising team to decide
what would be in that flyer and there
was a whole art and science in terms of
how we wanted to
drive people through the store that was
fascinating and that was kind of like my
first sort of real corporate job now I
put it in quotes because I actually fell
into marketing I am NOT a professionally
trained marketer over the last 20 years
I have obviously had a ton of experience
at companies like Microsoft
where I’ve worked through
all three three different CEOs and worked
for companies like eBay and working at a
company called Sprinkler right now
that’s — in a really interesting space I
worked for a company called points.com
worked for MSN all category Kings which I
will talk about over the course of the
year so I’m gonna be developing some
content talking all about marketing and
if you are into marketing I’d love for
you to tune in so make sure that you
connect with me on all of the social
media channels whatever is your
flavor. So as I mentioned a little bit
about my background. I started out
in consumer packaged goods working for a
big retailer that got swallowed up by
folks like Walmart and Amazon and lived
through what it
was like to be in a company when you’re
you see your industry essentially
transitioning and being sort of eaten up.
In this case it was the web and made
the transition into work technology and
working for a technology organization so
I actually quit my job in retail took a
six-month course learned HTML and the
first job I got was to build an
affiliate program for one of Canada’s
biggest e-retailers/ecommerce
retailers so they go by indigo.ca
right now but originally it was
chapters.ca and they were the first
online bookseller so I really kind of
lucked out my first job in tech was for
the first ecommerce bookseller in
Canada that was sort of the Amazon
I built an affiliate program to
9-thousand sites, now I have a very deep
affinity for affiliate marketing and I’m
still amazed by the amount of marketers
who do not use affiliate marketing it is
at the core of Amazon’s success and
we’ll talk about things like that. Anyway
I went on to work at msn my second gig
in technology was working for msn they
were coming into the Canadian market
they needed to build different channels
and I built the first Shopping Channel
on the Canadian MSN portal and went on
to build the finance Channel the games
Channel and then eventually and ended up
managing what we call the network entry
points — So MSN’s home page hotmail
homepage responsible for driving
the balance between editorial content
and advertising throughout the network
that was a really really fun time and
actually that was when I really built an
affinity with working with business
development teams and you know the
relationship in terms of how do you
ensure you’re working with the right top
partners and how do you enable the sales
team to have the right assets as they go
out to acquire those channel
partners so every time we launched a new
channel we had to make sure we had the
top finance organizations for the
finance Channel, the top sellers and top
retailers for the shopping channel the
top gaming providers for the gaming
channel. So that was really cool and
I learned a lot in that experience. One of the companies that I ended up
working quite a bit with was eBay. So this was during the years when you
know brands and startups that were just coming
into market would work with
maybe one or two portals cuz in those
days the portals were the kings and so
they would spend like their entire
marketing budget on a portal that
definitely changed the as the web
evolved but I was there during those
years and it was very interesting anyway
I brought up eBay because I ended up
going to work for eBay as they were
coming into the Canadian market and they
were they had some specific challenges
as you can imagine Canadians had been
shopping in the US and so it was like
how do you tell them hey we’ve got a
Canadian siTe over here and then how do
you evolve and drive acquisition
they had to scale growth at a breakneck
speed. I got to work with some
amazing amazing thought leaders and and
amazing growth marketers in that space
before it was called “growth marketing” so
some exciting things we did at eBay was
basically built new tech so I remember
working in a project where I worked with
double click — double click had not been
acquired by Google yet and we built using
some technology that they called boom
tags and enabled us to personalize the
website and personalize the homepage for
every single user differently so we had
five different landing pages for
five different segments of users
a lot of interesting learnings around
audience segmentation and building tech
to enable personalization based on
actions that those users have taken or
not taken very interesting very very
early this was sort of almost 15 years
before sort of the discipline of website
personalization with companies like the
demandbase had evolved and actually some
of them are really
in the early stages. So it was
exciting to be with a company that was
ready to push the envelope in
growth and also driving a developing new
tech as part of your marketing role
which sometimes companies…companies have been so focused
that the marketing discipline I should say
sometimes get siloed and you don’t
necessarily have the opportunity to
extend beyond your discipline.
I really appreciated my time at eBay for
that reason very forward and progressive
company. So I got to work with
engineering teams a lot in the in that
and that period you know and they would
laugh at me because I’d be like well
can’t we just do this you know like sure
Yoli so I really do appreciate it when
I have the opportunity to work with
engineers who are like maybe we can’t do
it the way you articulated it but I’m
gonna find out how we can that
can-do attitude which is super super
super cool because you end up building
some really innovative technology so
gosh since then I you know I ended up
working in…
Oh God ringtones do you guys remember
that time do you remember those few
years where the mobile phone evolved as a home now pre the
iPhone I was actually working for a
company called lava life that started a
mobile ventures division and we were
building chat apps dating apps and like
mobile messaging apps and dealing
directly with the telecom companies so
we would have to deal directly with them
and create apps that that could live on
the phone… and then the iPhone came
on and the iPhone was launched and that
just changed that whole world and what
was exciting though was to see
how developers were able to build whole
businesses on this new medium this new
platform and I as a marketer was also
able to try new tech I was one of the
first mobile marketers when AdMob was
just launching they hadnt been acquired by
Google yet companies like Millennial
Media I think it was was one of the
first mobile marketing advertising
platforms and fortunately I had the
opportunity to be one of the first
marketers in the Canadian space on those
platforms for b2b and b2c sort of
marketing so super super exciting time
gosh I remember the mobile sites and I
remember the marketing around ringtones
a lot to be learned in terms of
the fine line between
optimizing forms and how much data you
take in and what you
ask for upfront. So privacy I would say
during that tenure evolved in terms of
asking for permission, opt in, exposing
what are the T’s and
C’s because if you’ll remember it was so
easy to get people to buy ringtones you
know kids would end up running up their
parents bills and it’s because of that
phenomenon that you’ve seen a
lot of the the governance that has
evolved on the phone and just even on
the web in terms of opting in etc I
found got refined during that period so
it was an exciting time as a marketer it
was so cool because the everything was
moving at such a breakneck speed and now
we had to add this
whole other dimension in terms of to our
marketing we were used to just marketing
for the desktop and people coming to our
experiences on the desktop and now we
had this opportunity to market directly
to the phone right and they had their
phone with them and at all times
and you’ve seen how that has evolved
anyway so I remember the start of that
and being part of that evolving and
evolving our marketing and evolving how
we design websites and even how HTML has evolved and how
the use of video etc has evolved anyway
lots and lots to talk about so I’m
hoping you will join me this year as I
chat about my career in marketing and
some of the things that I’ve experienced
and as the technology has evolved.