Who Is Working For Who?
A job is a short-term solution to a long-term problem
I have held many jobs in my life. Some were glamorous and others... Not so much. Here is a condensed list of the occupations I have held:
- Janitor
- Landscape Site Supervisor
- Karate Instructor
- Milk Re-Pasturizer
- Demolition Man
- Roofing Supplier
- Receptionist
- Outdoor Recreation Guide
- And many more
Throughout my life I have tried to find the right job for me. Asking the question, where can I work that will pay me what I want, so that I could live a comfortable life, get the car I want and buy my dream house with a boat. In other words, a job that will satisfy our needs.
My sophomore year of college my father handed me a book and said "you need read this. I am reading this book and it will help you become successful.†I wish I could say that I listened to my father that day, but in actuality, it took me almost a decade to pick that book up. I wish I had been wise enough in my youth to listen to my father more often, but we all know the teacher appears when the student is ready.
When I started reading the book I read “A job is s short-term solution to a long-term problem†and I realize that my focus in life has been to get a job so I can work for money. This is a poor way of thinking. The rich do not think this way, they ask the question, “how can I make my money work for me?"
Our thought process needs to change in order to attract success into our live. We need to redefine our relationship with this thing we call money. So here are the questions I am asking myself today:
- Am I focused on obtaining money?
- Am I working in hopes that I can pay my bills?
- How can I make my money work for me?
We need to change our relationship with money. Money should not dictate the way we live our lives, our lives should dictate the way we use our money. Differentiate the two and start living a better life today!
If you want your circumstances to change, then truthfully answer this question: