Who Won the First Debate? Does it Matter?
Not that it matters who won the debate(at least to me); truth is that I am more interested in honest opinions.
At the end of the day. Hillary screwed Bernie Sanders (most of the world knows this), she has cost the lives of thousands of people through greed and selfishness and has cheated her way to the top, with the selling of her soul at the crossroads. That's just the way the Clintons roll.
Trump while more likable, in terms of being about the funniest and most annoying / likable reality TV star there ever has been, is just that. However, we all know that you cannot run American as if it were a reality TV show or a Trump Business and say "So what I went Bankrupt or how many times? It's smart business, Good business! I found a way not to pay anything back, keep my company and kept peoples jobs". Albeit I am paraphrasing here, he has basically said that more than once. What he did avoid saying is that tax payers ( me and you) pay for these issues over and over again. However, lets put that aside since we live in an economical system (set up as a scam prior to the civil war) that is purposely set up to make countries fail and keep the general population in debt. So, while I hate to admit it, Trump in part is correct, we should stop paying the banks and fight them until they no longer have a monopoly on the globe.
Now back to the issues at hand, the way I see it is like this: We are all being asked to choose from two piles of waste, with the idea that one pile of waste is better than the other. I say "(well I rather not say aloud!" Poop is Poop all day long. There is no such thing as pretty dung and lovely smelling waste.
America is at a large turn in the road and we've been handed an ultimatum of sorts by the world elites. If we accept, the future will cease to exit with any hopes left for change in the way we have had hopes for. The same economic system will be forever our chains and the distance between the rich and the poor will grow exponentially, until the middle or upper middle class will become an extinct species that we will eventually read about in fairy tales
In short we are on our last drop of blood as a country and we're all accepting two pile of human excretion sponsored by the banking and corporate elites. That said...who did you think won the debate and why?
Chef and Food Consultant at Jagota Thailand Ltd
8 年The reality is when the major contributors are backing both parties you have a 'same faecal matter different receptacle ' situation. Their interests will be met at the detriment of the masses. I would probably suggest at this point not to vote. It only encourages them. Without a clear mandate it would really confuse them. Meanwhile if this farce continues we could well see the States being just that.How they managed to keep them UNITED is beyond me. I personally have nothing to gain nor do I have any prejudice against America or Americans. Please can"t this be done in a much more dignified manner that at least looks as if you are not going to screw Mr Joe Average. At the very least leave him his dignity. So in closing let me just say that it is approprate that the USA is the home of the cowboy because politically they have had the biggest bunch of cowboys ( or should i say cowpersons, as one should be politically correct) running the show for tooo long. PS: Was a huge Hillary ( democrats) supporter would probably vote for the Don today.
Do business right. Create demands. Currently learning Russian. So pls call refreshed nickname Oleg.
8 年no matter for US foreign conservative police in near future