Who is a woman?

What is a woman?? A case being heard in the UK supreme court that starts today.

The central question to be decided in this case is whether guidance issued by the Scottish Government about the meaning of the word “woman” in the Equality Act 2010 (EqA) is lawful. That guidance states that a person with a full Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC) which confers upon them the acquired gender of female is a woman for the purposes of the Equality Act 2010. For Women Scotland have challenged the accuracy and therefore lawfulness of this guidance, claiming that the definition of woman in the Equality Act is tied to natal biological sex.

Really interesting case in UKSupremeCourt? as they consider, What’s meant by the terms “sex”, “man” and “woman” in the Equality Act 2010? Can people with full certificates recognising them as female complain under anti-discrimination law if they are not treated as women? And is the Scottish government’s guidance on these issues lawful? Those are among the questions that the UK Supreme Court will consider at a hearing starting today.?This is an appeal from the courts of Scotland. Its starting point is legislation passed by the Scottish parliament in 2018 which aims to increase the proportion of women on the boards of Scottish public bodies. Positive action is allowed by the Equality Act 2010 when “participation in an activity by people who share a protected characteristic is disproportionately low”.

What the Justices decide and interpret the guidance will no doubt impact many areas of law as well as the Scottish guidance. And clarify rights in this area.

Look out for more articles as the case develops.

Listen out for more on the Law and guidance podcast.

I do not understand why this and other similar questions keeps coming up. I have never seen the receiver...what is a man. If a group of disturbed individual men,choose to channgel their sexualty, why are women, then subjected to years of odd questions, about our sexualty. Why are courts involved. It seems to me, that men , are only interested in poseing as women, just after a rape , that is to say,they have violated a women. Or, they don't want to work or some other nonsense. Women, know who we are,and do not need any inspection or explanation from men. If they want to pose as women, they can,it's usually, for gain,one way or the other.


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