Who & Why We Are !
VikramSingh Valera
Project Contract @Google | Entrepreneur | Google Product Expert | Health & Nutrition Expert | Blogger | Youtuber | Director | Wellness Coach |
We Indians are very Fortunate to belong to a Developing Country but Rapid Urbanization & Mechanization has led to Sedentary Lifestyle with very little Physical Activity. All this, along with the Invasion of Fast Food Industry, India has become a Breeding Ground for Obesity & Lifestyle Diseases.
Recent data shows that India has More Hospitals than Parks. It makes us Proud that our Authorities are doing their Best for a Common Man to have access to Medicine & Medical Emergencies but at the same time, it is Frightening to know that our Focus is more on Curing the "Illness" than practicing "Wellness".
Personal Wellness is a Critical Issue that affects an individuals Productivity, Mood, Behaviour, Morale, Absenteeism, and Healthcare costs. Multitasking Daily Routines, Stress, Erratic Eating Schedule and many more reasons make it Imperative that we Focus and Practice Healthy Lifestyle and Eating Habits.
Exercise has become a Luxury on Weekdays with Over packed Schedule & Weekends is all about Malls, Food Courts & Indoor Activities rather than Being in Sun for Outdoor Games in Parks. Not many Suburbs are Fortunate to have Parks & Gardens like we Punekars.
Lifestyle Nutrition Centre is a Fitness & Breakfast Studio that Educates people about Health, Nutrition & Fitness. We have taken up an Initiative to Promote Healthy Active Lifestyle by Organizing Indoor Workout Sessions from Monday to Saturday that include Metabolic & Strength Training, Core Cardio & Balance, High Intensity Interval Training & Dance Workout. To encourage you to start taking care of your Health, we are offering a day trial pack.
Kindly join us with your Friends & Family & Help us to Initiate Healthy Active Lifestyle Revolution in Jaipur.
Yours Sincerely
VikramSingh Valera
Ramdev Digital