Who or Whom?

Who or Whom?

In the English language, the words who and whom are confusing as to when to use them correctly, but understanding their grammatical functions and applying them to different contexts will help clarify their usage.

The words who and whom are both relative pronouns, used to introduce clauses that provide additional information about a person or thing.

A relative pronoun is a pronoun that marks a relative clause. A relative clause is used to give additional information about a noun.

The most common relative pronouns are which, that, whose, whoever, whomever, who, and whom. Occasionally, the words what, when, and where also function as relative pronouns.

But for the purposes of this article we are focusing on the words who and whom.

The key to using them correctly lies in understanding the difference between subjective and objective pronouns.

The subjective pronouns in English are I, you (singular), he/she/it, we, you (plural), they and who.

The objective pronouns in English are me, you, him, her, them, us, and it.

Who is used as the subject of the sentence, performing the action described by the verb.


Who is going to the party?

Here, the word who is the subject, performing the action of going.

I know who will win the game.

Here again, the word who is the subject, performing the action of winning.

Whom is used as the object of a verb or preposition, receiving the action described by the verb.


  • To whom should I address this letter?

Here, the word whom is the object of the preposition to.

  • I asked whom to help me with the project.

Here, the word whom is the object of the verb asked.

When do I use Who and when do I use Whom? Here are examples.

  • For example, in the sentence who is going to the party? remove the word who.

The result -> is going to the party? which clearly makes no sense.

Add a subject pronoun (he) and it reads He is going to the party.

Therefore, using who in the original sentence is correct.

  • For example, in the sentence whom should I address this letter? remove the word whom.

The result -> should I address this letter which clearly makes no sense.

Add a preposition (to), and an object pronoun (him) and it reads I should address this letter to him.

Therefore, using whom in the original sentence is correct.

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