Who we are? Where we are residing?
Simulation, consciousness, and the cosmos.

Who we are? Where we are residing?

Simulation reflects or influences the world of real energy [Spirit] which means beings who have an aura. First, need to understand our body is made of what, where it goes, and why it happens!

Of course, we are living in simulation which means what humans experience as the world is actually a simulated reality, such as a computer simulation in which humans themselves are constructs. The very simple understanding of existence blurs the lines between what is real and what may be an illusion.

All things are made of matter and energy in this universe. Even we, Energy [Spirit]. Why, if everything consists of atoms does a human body consist of which atom

Everything is Particles

There are several elements that constitute the human body such as atoms, molecules, and ions. The elements that are found most commonly in the human anatomy include carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, and sulfur. They are the molecules required by different organelles cells, tissues, and organs of the body. These other ions including sodium, potassium, calcium, and chloride are also found in the human body and perform various significant bodily functions.

Everything is atoms but also We are Stories of the Simulation World!

Now in the simulated world of reality, anything may be made up of atoms, which will be comprised of energy resulting to consciousness.

Yep! Obviously, Aura is an electromagnetic field around every living body. In human beings, it’s a store of every good or bad energy. There are seven layers of an energy body of auras (Spirit) connected with seven major energy chakras or wheels running down the spine.

Spirit Chakras

What AURA requires!

Why don’t we need to add something into AURA-LIGHT [SOLAR], you might wonder when you think about what is around us, and how it goes – everything needs some charge, which can be taken from the source – Solar in the Cosmic. The charging needs light force at which light waves travel to infinity in the vacuous sphere called solar space light.

Human beings' Charger

In this sense, what makes sense to you?

Aura represents the condition that radiates energy. It can be either someone or something. However, this energy transmission can only occur via light as the medium. Everything in space is formed by particles; each particle produces a force that causes one another’s collisions through the medium of light.?

What created the Universe?

The big bang of space itself which started our universe. The universe began its journey towards simplicity by growing out of very high space density and temperature to form the basic constituent elements. The first stars and the first galaxies formed as gravity pulled matter together slowly.

Explosion of Space

Galaxies form groups, clusters, and superclusters. Some stars had supernova explosions, whose chemical products sowed new generations of stars and provided rocky planets. This is where on some planets, life developed into consciousness.

Thus, Does Divine physics prove out, is the earth a sphere or disk?


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