Who Are We?
I am a farmer’s son from Wales who started life with water from a well, light from a candle and old fashioned values: the world has changed but my values haven’t.
I want to start a global conversation by the people of this planet to share knowledge and develop a sustainable society, where economic profit, ecological balance and social compatibility are the core principles and values. To become sustainable we have to work together, farmer with retailer, designer with manufacturer, supplier with customer, citizen with citizen and the human species with the planet.
Sometimes it’s hard to remember that companies, brands and organizations are created by and run for people just like you and I. So next time you see a brand please imagine the people behind it, the Grand Parents, Mothers, Fathers, Aunties, Uncles, Cousins and Nieces… because we have forgotten that money was invented to replace bartering, we now only think about making money at the cost of just about everything.
My point is not to forget who runs business and their purpose… to make a good living, not just make money. Money, is just an outcome; a resource that provides the easy transaction platform to acquire things one needs, such as food, etc. You may be rich, but good luck with eating money when there is no food. In the 1920s currency value collapsed, money became virtually worthless, a wheel barrow of cash for a loaf of bread.
Homo sapiens are the highest form of life on earth, but also the most dangerous, threating all forms of life and its existence of all life on this planet. The essence of being a human is our humanity to each other and the reasonability to care for and protect the biosphere that gives us life, is it not?. We all have a part to play in building a sustainable future.
A fellow Brit once sang ‘Imagine there’s no countries, no possessions, no greed or hunger, imagine all the people sharing all the world’ extracts from Imagine John Lennon.?Sustainability doesn’t understand boarders, ownership, plenty or poverty, it understands all the people working together today to create a sustainable tomorrow.??
Business models need to be based on ...
?????????????????????? ecological balance with social compatibility?to give us economic profit